Black list of IP address

Freedome is an Internet access service for a rather wide audience, with a free trial. Given the large amount of users, there will be a few clients taking part in DDOS attacks, network scanning or spamming attempts. Just like in the customer base of any large Internet Service Provider. Most of these naturally come from users having computers or mobile devices infected with malware, without the user's knowledge.
Unfortunately it will be impossible to completely prevent blacklisting of our addresses. We do, however, have some technical measures in place to block abusive behavior (network scanning, DDOS, spamming). Some of them are common best practices enforced by most ISPs, such as blocking outgoing SMTP email on TCP port 25. Email sending can naturally be done on the standard authenticated SMTP Submission port, tcp/587. We also employ rate limiting and traffic pattern analysis, which can be done without storing user data. These measures should help in keeping our addresses out of blacklists.