Renewal, from trial to full version of Safe


today I have a trial version of Safe (3 devices) but I bought a full version 5 devices license (from a local vendor) and now I want to upgrade my current trial version. How to I do that? Do I have to delete my current My Safe account and Safe software from my computers and phone? And the do it all over again? Or can I do it within My Safe?






  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    This came up a while back, and at the time, the only way to renew a SAFE licence was through the SAFE portal - ie, you had to purchase it from F-Secure.


    I've just had a look at my SAFE portal, and although the layout has been updated, I still can't see any way to 'import' a licence purchased from a third party or reseller.


    I think you may have to create a Support Ticket for this one, and hopefully they can help you out.

  • As Simon mentioned, renewal for Safe has to be done through the Safe Portal.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    @Ben - So, is SAFE not supposed to be available via resellers? What happens in these situations, because obviously people seem to be able to purchase (presumably legitimate?) licenses outside of the portal.
  • MargosDezerian
    MargosDezerian Posts: 115 Active Engager

    I have done it that way that i deleted my former safe account and made a new one.But it is a bit annoying to deinstall and new install the software then on all devices.

    I think if it would be not ok from the side of F Secure to buy that from a reseller it would not be possible.All AV companys do that.

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