F-Secure Rescue Disc 3.16: Missing data recovery features??

I've been trying out the F-Secure rescue disc, and while it seems to do an excellent job of scanning I can't seem to find any of the other features that have been advertised.
"The Rescue CD can also be used for more advanced repair and data recovery operations."
I've found other websites that claim that the rescue cd (or past versions) have contained data recovery tools such as Photorec and Testdisk. Where are all of these features? Am I overlooking something or have they been removed from later versions? I was under the impression that I could boot a minimal Knoppix based recovery GUI or at least get a command line to work with.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated,
I agree that's strange. Checking the User Guide I can't find any info on that. Only this:
"If the computer cannot be recovered, you can also use Rescue CD and a USB
drive to save important data." Although it doesn't say "how".
There's a Youtube video for version 3.16 but I can't see any special menu options. Only that pressing F2 at the beginning will show the help. Until you get a better answer here, try F2 and see what is says there.
It's certainly probably just else one outdate place on "sub-webpages" or "text under description"... which able to get on various F-Secure's pages....
Probably current version (about two years probably - if talk about 3.16.. and not about additional updates) have just common features.. and like your descriptions about tools, which was available before (with previous versions of F-Secure Rescue CD with another design probably). For example, I read same information (about current tools) on some of archive F-Secure Labs notes. I was interested about this too (why it's dropped or why it's not really visible during use current F-Secure Rescue CD).
Basically... name of F-Secure Rescue CD related with features.
It's not 'Live CD' and etc. But your words have good points, which probably can to explain... and here indeed can to overlocked something. But current one.. thing.. maybe can to explain.. just F-Secure team.
Sorry for reply.
My apologies for not replying sooner, I was holding out to see if an official post would be made, honestly. Unfortunately all that hitting F2 does is show a number of boot options such as failsafe, nosmp, acpi-off, etc. Basically only troubleshooting parameters, nothing that would suggest an option to boot the features that I had posted about.
Still holding out that we can get a more official statement on it, but I thank the two of you for suggestions.