Licence Expired = a monthly message

I received a message indicating that my F-Secure licence has expired, in spite of having over 100 days time to renewal. This was on all my devices. I send an email to the Customer care and it was logged under ref _00DboJXPV_500b07hsZQ. I got an email reply with the instruction to Uninstall and then Reinstall. This was in July 2014. In August I have been receiving the same massage again on my devices, in the order that the installation took place. I responded to the proposed fix and asked "Do I need to uninstall and reinstall every month". I received a reply with a telephone No (08443380131). I tried this number but could not speak to a customer support team member, as they were all busy.
Thinking that a new install expires automatically in 30 days and may be the F-secure system does not recognise my licence expiry date. Can anyone please help?
Hi Simon,
Thanks for responding to my post. Yes it is F-Secure safe. My ISP is Virgin Media and towards the end of last year they recommended their clients to use F-Secure with a special deal.
When I right click on the logo it shows 4 licenses (in fact I expected 5) with expiry date 5/01/2015. I hope this answers your questions.
OK, can you login to the SAFE Portal? You need to reinstall from there, and then your licenses should remain until the expiry date.
Hi Simon, On 18 July I had an emmail instruction from the Technical Support Team asking me to reinstall from, which I did. Having received license expired message on all my devices again this month I did the uninstall and then reinstall. When I was reinstalling I notice that there was a new release. Hopefully I do not get this message again next month or when a new release is rolled out. Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,