Licence Expired = a monthly message

AndyM Posts: 4 Observer

I received a message indicating that my F-Secure licence has expired, in spite of having over 100 days time to renewal. This was on all my devices. I send an email to the Customer care and it was logged under ref _00DboJXPV_500b07hsZQ. I got an email reply with the instruction to Uninstall and then Reinstall. This was in July 2014. In August I have been receiving the same massage again on my devices, in the order that the installation took place. I responded to the proposed fix and asked "Do I need to uninstall and reinstall every month". I received a reply with a telephone No (08443380131). I tried this number but could not speak to a customer support team member, as they were all busy.

Thinking that a new install expires automatically in 30 days and may be the F-secure system does not recognise my licence expiry date. Can anyone please help?


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Is this F-Secure SAFE, or a stand alone version? If you right click the icon by your clock, select View my subscription, what does that say?
  • AndyM
    AndyM Posts: 4 Observer

    Hi Simon,


    Thanks for responding to my post. Yes it is F-Secure safe. My ISP is Virgin Media and towards the end of last year they recommended their clients to use F-Secure with a special deal.

    When I right click on the logo it shows 4 licenses (in fact I expected 5) with expiry date 5/01/2015. I hope this answers your questions.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    OK, can you login to the SAFE Portal?  You need to reinstall from there, and then your licenses should remain until the expiry date.

  • AndyM
    AndyM Posts: 4 Observer

    Thanks Simon, the problem was resolved by repeating the last month operations.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Sorry, do you mean the problem IS resolved, or that it occurred again and you had to repeat the reinstallation? 

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