How do I send detected virus to

How big is this file???
Because it is only limited to 64Mb.
You can contact them if you need to send something over?
For more than 64Mb files!
Or check the faq.
If here situation, when files blocked by F-Secure for prevent any not good actions (launch malicious file) - potentially here you can to do something like that:
-> disabled protection by F-Secure (Launch pad -> Computer Security -> Tools -> Turn OFF security features);
Upload files to virustotal.
-> any exclusions for real-time scanning and manual scanning for Steam-folders.
Upload files to virustotal.
Or something other. But... does you mean - that current situation happened randomly today...
Or it's happened during downloading new files about various games.
If here false-positive (you also able to transfer sample for F-Secure SAS).
If not.. maybe you needed to launch Full Scan for system - maybe here something have not really nice.