Re: 14 antivirus apps found to have security problems.
Hello @Bits ,
@Rusli thank you for your advices. You altogether gave lots of ideas worth following.
In case of infections you can always submit samples to our Lab through its portal.
If you properly fill the submission form, you should get an expert opinion on what is affecting you.
Physically sending us the compromised device(s) to our Lab could also be an option, as Rusli mentioned.For the legal side of the story, you might want to look for a professional to represent and advise you on what can be done and how it should be done.
This community is not really the place to discuss that side of the story.PS: I made a separate thread for this discussion, as it wasn't directly related to the beginning of the original thread.
Hmm... could be a botnet.
The first Davinci malware have an ip address backdoor at
General IP Information
Decimal: 2956616741
ISP: Linode
Organization: Linode
Services: Likely mail server
Assignment: Static IP
Geolocation Information
Country: United Kingdom gb flag
Latitude: 51.5 (51° 30′ 0.00″ N)
Longitude: -0.13 (0° 7′ 48.00″ W)The one that she has, the malware is resided at Australia.
Quote:" BillyBob Waltzing Maltida with me..."
Thank you and Ive taken the proper steps to try to send files for anaysis, unfortunaly after talking to customer support (because it could not detect the virus, as I was afraid) Your second option of sending in the device seems to be neccessary. The support person said to find out from you how to do this. Please advise. Also please see my private messages for further request I need for privacy issue.
thanks Ben
Please take note of those links on filevault recovery.
Hope this informations help....
To decrypt recover an encrypted volume filevault.
Apple links to filevault
The hard disk need to be decrypted... could have been that the hard disk is fully encrypted.
AES-128 encryption is alot time to crack.
You need a mathematician from the University to crack that sort of encryption.
Scanning the ip address 23.343.207.XX or 23.343.207.XXX comes out nothing on ip address tracker.
if you do a whois is a different ip address.
It's starting with 50.XX.XX.XXX.XXX
So who ever it was that reside in 23.343.207.xx is unknown.
I'm not sure who or what belongs to that ip address.
Hope you get the picture....
I myself do not know where that ip address come from.
The certificate that reside to Australia ip address is different from 23.xx.xx.xx.xx
That's strange... real strange. I'm speechless at this time.
Did you get the macbook pro laptop from someone else or you bought directly from Apple.
Michelle, my advice to you,you don't do any online banking, or make any transaction on your computer. It's not safe.
Quote:"X-Files-The truth is out there"
About Davinci virus being reported by Kaspersky Lab.
DaVinci surveillance malware distributed via zero-day Flash Player exploit, researchers say
The attacks targeted activists from the Middle East, according to Kaspersky Lab researchers
By Lucian Constantin
February 12, 2013 03:34 PM ET
IDG News Service - Political activists from the Middle East were targeted in attacks that exploited a previously unknown Flash Player vulnerability to install a so-called lawful interception program designed for law enforcement use, security researchers from antivirus vendor Kaspersky Lab said Tuesday.
Last Thursday, Adobe released an emergency update for Flash Player in order to address two zero-day -- unpatched -- vulnerabilities that were already being used in active attacks. In its security advisory at the time, Adobe credited Sergey Golovanov and Alexander Polyakov of Kaspersky Lab for reporting one of the two vulnerabilities, namely the one identified as CVE-2013-0633.
On Tuesday, the Kaspersky Lab researchers revealed more information about how they originally discovered the vulnerability. "The exploits for CVE-2013-0633 have been observed while monitoring the so-called 'legal' surveillance malware created by the Italian company HackingTeam," Golovanov said in a blog post.
HackingTeam is based in Milan but also has a presence in Annapolis, Maryland, and Singapore. According to its website, the company develops a computer surveillance program called Remote Control System (RCS) that is sold to law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
"Here in HackingTeam we believe that fighting crime should be easy: we provide effective, easy-to-use offensive technology to the worldwide law enforcement and intelligence communities," the company says on its website.
Kaspersky Lab has been monitoring HackingTeam's RCS -- also known as DaVinci -- since August 2012, said Costin Raiu, director of Kaspersky Lab's global research and analysis team.
RCS/DaVinci can record text and audio conversations from different chat programs, including Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk and MSN Messenger; can steal Web browsing history; can turn on a computer's microphone and webcam; can steal credentials stored in browsers and other programs, and much more, he said.
Kaspersky researchers have detected around 50 incidents so far that involved DaVinci being used against computer users from various countries including Italy, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina, Algeria, Mali, Iran, India and Ethiopia.
The most recent attacks that were exploiting the CVE-2013-0633 vulnerability targeted activists from a country in the Middle East, Raiu said. However, he declined to name the country in order to avoid exposing information that could lead to the victims being identified.
It's not clear if the zero-day exploit for CVE-2013-0633 was sold by HackingTeam together with the surveillance malware or if whoever purchased the program obtained the exploit from a different source, Raiu said.
HackingTeam did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In previous attacks detected by Kaspersky Lab, DaVinci was distributed via exploits for Flash Player vulnerabilities that were discovered by French vulnerability research firm Vupen, Raiu said.
Vupen openly admits to selling zero-day exploits, but claims that its customers are government and law enforcement agencies from countries that are members or partners of the NATO, ANZUS or ASEAN geopolitical organizations.
The DaVinci installer dropped on computers by the CVE-2013-0633 exploit in the first stage of the attack was signed with a valid digital certificate issued by GlobalSign to an individual named Kamel Abed, Raiu said.
GlobalSign did not immediately respond to a request for more information about this certificate and its current status.
This is consistent with past DaVinci attacks in which the dropper was also digitally signed, Raiu said. Previous certificates used to sign DaVinci droppers were registered to one Salvetore Macchiarella and a company called OPM Security registered in Panama, he said.
According to its website, OPM Security sells a product called Power Spy for A!200 (US$267) under the headline "spying on your husband, wife, children or employees." Power Spy's feature list is very similar to the feature list of DaVinci, which means that OPM might be a reseller of HackingTeam's surveillance program, Raiu said.
This is not the first case when lawful surveillance malware has been used against activists and dissidents in countries where free speech is limited.
There are previous reports of FinFisher, a computer surveillance toolkit developed by U.K.-based company Gamma Group International, being used against political activists in Bahrain.
Researchers from the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs also reported back in October that HackingTeam's RCS (DaVinci) program was used against a human rights activist from the United Arab Emirates.
This type of program is a ticking time bomb because of the lack of regulation and uncontrolled selling, Raiu said. Some countries have restrictions on the export of cryptographic systems, which would theoretically cover such programs, but these restrictions can be easily bypassed by selling the software through offshore resellers, he said.
The big problem is that these programs can be used not only by governments to spy on their own citizens, but can also be used by governments to spy on other governments or can be used for industrial and corporate espionage, Raiu said.
When such programs are used to attack large companies or are used by cyberterrorists, who will be responsible for the software falling into the wrong hands, Raiu asked.
From Kaspersky Lab's perspective, there's no question about it: These programs will be detected as malware regardless of their intended purpose, he said. -
No doubts, one of the most advanced cyber threat to the technological evolution is the malware diffusion, we read daily news regarding new unknown agents developed by cybercriminals, governments or hacktivists, but are we really ready to reduce the exposure of our resources? Some weeks ago a news has passed without too much noise but I believe it is really interesting that’s why I decided to propose it. Doctor Web firm, a Russian anti-virus company, has detected a cross-platform Trojanhorse that is able to gain full control of its victims and it is also able to can render the system unusable. The agent, named dubbed BackDoor.DaVinci.1, runs both in Windows and Mac OS X and what is singular is the characteristics of the Mac OS X release that for the first time implements rootkit technologies to hide malware processes and files.
The first question is … who has developed the backdoor?
According the info available on internet, the trojan has been designed by the Italian HackingTeam, a security firm which is specialized in the development of offensive solutions for cyber investigations, on its web site it is possible to find the following description of the debated product:
In modern digital communications, encryption is widely employed to protect users from eavesdropping. Unfortunately, encryption also prevents law enforcement and intelligence agencies from being able to monitor and prevent crimes and threats to the country security. Remote Control System (RCS) is a solution designed to evade encryption by means of an agent directly installed on the device to monitor. Evidence collection on monitored devices is stealth and transmission of collected data from the device to the RCS server is encrypted and untraceable. For Governmental LEAs and Agencies ONLY.
For the record the name of HackingTeam was published in the SpyFiledossier, published by Wikileaks’s Team, on the technologies developed for surveillance and control of communication channels.
The malware appears as very smart agent that is able to hide its presence to security systems and is also able to infect mobiledevices, it’s spread as a signed AdobeFlashPlayer.jar file, obviously the for the signature it has been used an invalid digital certificate. The file is used to analyze the OS version of victim and execute malicious code.
The malware, following a valid design, is modular and its core components are represented by the backdoor module and a set of drivers that make possible the operation in hidden mode, all the instances of the malware share the same configuration settings stored in a dedicated file and it is equipped with a large collection of module to elude anti-virus software and firewalls. After Dr. Web other security firms have detected the cyber espionage tool giving it different name, for example Kaspersky lab team named it Morkut providing a first analysis on a blog post. According to Mikko Hypponen (F- Secure) Tweet…
“The Mac backdoor in the news (DaVinci/Morcut/Crisis/Flosax) is a commercial espionage trojan, and openly advertised on”
The developers of the BackDoor.DaVinci.1 sustain that their product is able to elude any anti-virus program but Dr.Web antivirus is able to detect it … we can bet that the game of “cops and robbers” is begun and the group of the HackingTeam is already working to introduce improvements that can make their malware is not really noticeable. TheDaVinci backdoor is not a common malware released in the wild without control but it is a commercial surveillance Trojan sold mainly to governments, it is used to monitor thousands of people all over the world. Of course the product of the Italian firm is not the only one, to provide an example we can remind the FinFisherproduct developed by Gamma company, similar products have been used by law enforcement and also by autoritarist regime such as Egypt and Bahrain and governments such has the German one. Their use is becoming really frequent and the thought that a maliciuos agent could violate computer defense for espionage but also for offensive purposes is not very reassuring.
Once released their software these companies are actually able to control the diffusion of the malware? What could happen if a foreign government or a group of cyber criminals make a reverse engineering of the products, developing its own malware resulting no easily identifiable that could be used for cyber espionage on a large scale? Are we really ready to this?
Unfortunately, although similar instruments designed for justifiable, such as support for investigations and prevention of crime and terrorism, are too easily sold to governments that use them bloodthirsty for tracking and persecution of dissidents. It should be mentioned that in court similar tools could not to be admitted as evidence in any way the provider must ensure that the instrument will not alter nature of information and the operation of the device put under control. I state that I’m not discussing on the the specific case, but it is evident that in the course of proceedings by authorities, the information collected may not be deemed reliable for some legal loopholes. The very fact that a trojan alters the nature of the system that infect, lead to rejection of the judges of the gathered evidence, the lawyers often sustain that once compromised a PC is impossible to guarantee that the data collected from a chat are legitimate and not deliberately inserted by the malware. The EU Council has recently recommended that Member States should strive for the examination of computer remotely suspicious, but there are still too many unresolved technical and legal aspects. The experience that Germany has done in his attempt to regulate the use of tools “remote forensics” by those who must enforce the law is helpful in this regard. The new generation of technologies, such as software agents, and Trojan, has unique features that distinguishes it from existing technologies currently used in the investigation.
During the investigation, these technologies can act independently. Their autonomous decision-making enables them to replace at least some of the functions previously performed by a human, and without the direct supervision of a human controller. This raises the question whether the rules that give human rights to officials can be applied by analogy to software agents, and if the rules are intended to limit the interference of the police citizen’s rights can be circumvented by using technology (Schafer, 2006) .
Another problem … companies that provide free anti-virus and those that provide the control systems are not necessarily in the same jurisdiction of the entity to control, causing conflicts with the relevant privacy laws. How should the person carrying out investigations in relation to suppliers of antivirus? Ask for their cooperation or proceeding seeking to evade them? At the moment it would seem that the second road traveled, at least by German governmnt (BT-Drucksache 16/4995).
Other question … The data collection is automated, no human subject will decide which data will be relevant and should be copied, but this may involve the collection of any data recorded on the computer that is irrelevant to the investigation.
These data could be potentially problematic and highly sensitive data, such as medical and health information, and therefore protected from investigations that the authorities can not analyze and use.A judgment of the German Federal Supreme Court has established as a requirement for the use of RFS tools by law enforcement agencies for the custody of the selection process is conducted by an investigating judge, a state prosecutor or a bailiff (BVerfG, NJW 2008, 822), but the German judicial system does not have sufficient human resources.
Traditionally, forensic investigations computers are taken off-line to ensure that there aren’t changes and that the object of investigation is in the same condition when the evidence is admitted, as when the crime has found place.
The use of a trojan for investigations requires the authorities to reach from the remote target machines which, however, remain in the control of the suspect and remain connected to the network before, during and after the operations of inspectioning.
Thus the problem of acquisition of the test using RFS tools that not only is the original source (the computer) has not been subjected to seizure, but this is not a static environment, yet flexible, which can be manipulated. As a general rule, evidence obtained from an unsecure network, such as the Internet, can always be subject to a challenge to its authenticity and reliability.
The attempt to subject to statutory regulation the use of malware for investigation produces new ambiguity, it must be promoted a common approach applicable to the entire class of investigative technologies.
The debate is open, there are many doubts, but there is no ambiguity that these agents have efficacy for those governments who want to spy on and pursue their opponents … from a ethical point of view there is much to discuss, but this is not the appropriate forum.
Pierluigi Paganin
My own information gatherings.
More sources from Kaspersky Labs.
Story on Remote Control System by the Hacking Team.
Don't be surprise they have these servers cover all over the world. Thru out Asia, Middle East, Europe, America, Canada, South America.
Base on Davinci Malware Spyware For Law Enforcement by the Hacking Team
Adobe Flash player exploits by the Hacking team
List of active C2s on 19.06.2014:
- 50.63.180.***
- 146.185.30.***
- 204.188.221.***
- 91.109.17.***
- 106.186.17.***
- 119.59.123.***
- 95.141.46.***
- 192.71.245.***
- 106.187.99.***
- 93.95.219.***
- 106.187.96.***
- 124.217.245.***
- 23.92.30.***
- 82.146.58.***
- 93.95.219.***
- 209.59.205.***
RCS modules (using Kaspersky Lab's classification names):
These companies are making multibillion dollars in selling malwares to the government in many countries.
They are setting up servers and building networks.
They infected many mobile telecommunications, computer networks,etc...
You will never know what comes next.
The power grid. Like Stuxnet.
Disruption subways.
Maybe next will be controlling Military Organisations Operations.
That will be their next target in making money organisations for their gains!
At end the of day. Who is controlling who??
They got nothing better things to do!!!
This things are real!
Another infos from Symantec and McAfee Antivirus for Mac.
See the reference link:-
Discovered: 25 July 2012 Updated: 30 November 2012 7:27:01 AM Also Known As: OSX_MORCUT.A [Trend] Type: Trojan Infection Length: Varies Systems Affected: Mac OS X
When the Trojan is executed, it creates the following directories and files:
The Trojan then opens a back door on the compromised computer by connecting to the following location and awaits commands from the remote attacker:
It then modifies several applications in order to monitor the user's activities when using the following applications:
Microsoft Messenger
It may also perform the following actions:
Monitor Skype Audio traffic
Monitor Safari or Firefox to record websites and capture screenshots
Record conversations in MS Messenger and Adium
Send files to the command and control server
Symantec Security Response encourages all users and administrators to adhere to the following basic security "best practices":
Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that should not be publicly available. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world.
Enforce a password policy. Complex passwords make it difficult to crack password files on compromised computers. This helps to prevent or limit damage when a computer is compromised.
Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password, ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application.
Disable AutoPlay to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives, and disconnect the drives when not required. If write access is not required, enable read-only mode if the option is available.
Turn off file sharing if not needed. If file sharing is required, use ACLs and password protection to limit access. Disable anonymous access to shared folders. Grant access only to user accounts with strong passwords to folders that must be shared.
Turn off and remove unnecessary services. By default, many operating systems install auxiliary services that are not critical. These services are avenues of attack. If they are removed, threats have less avenues of attack.
If a threat exploits one or more network services, disable, or block access to, those services until a patch is applied.
Always keep your patch levels up-to-date, especially on computers that host public services and are accessible through the firewall, such as HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS services.
Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files.
Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media.
Train employees not to open attachments unless they are expecting them. Also, do not execute software that is downloaded from the Internet unless it has been scanned for viruses. Simply visiting a compromised Web site can cause infection if certain browser vulnerabilities are not patched.
If Bluetooth is not required for mobile devices, it should be turned off. If you require its use, ensure that the device's visibility is set to "Hidden" so that it cannot be scanned by other Bluetooth devices. If device pairing must be used, ensure that all devices are set to "Unauthorized", requiring authorization for each connection requ Description
This is a Trojan detection. Unlike viruses, trojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that they are beneficial or wanted. The most common installation methods involve system or security exploitation, and unsuspecting users manually executing unknown programs. Distribution channels include email, malicious or hacked web pages, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), peer-to-peer networks, etc
Ikarus - Backdoor.OSX.Morcut
Kaspersky - Backdoor.OSX.Morcut.a
Sophos - OSX/Morcut-A
Emsisoft - Backdoor.OSX.Morcut!IK
Symantec - OSX.Crisis
Indication of InfectionPresence of above mentioned activities Methods of InfectionTrojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that the executable is something beneficial. Distribution channels include IRC, peer-to-peer networks, newsgroup postings, e-mail, etc.
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est. Do not accept applications that are unsigned or sent from unknown sources.
For further information on the terms used in this document, please refer to the Security Response glossary.Virus Characteristics
"OSX/Morcut" is a backdoor and rootkit combination installed by a cross-platform Java application which may pretend to be an Adobe updater when downloaded and runs as "Web Enhancer".
It also opens up a port and connects to a remote server for instructions and updates.
"OSX/Morcut" is persistent across reboots.
Upon successful installation on a machine, it will inject itself into a number of programs to spy on the infected user’s activity. These applications include popular ones like:
MSN Messenger
In addition to tracking all activity within the programs listed above, OSX/Morcut allows an attacker to monitor and/or control the following operations:
Mouse position
Internal Webcam & Microphone
Clipboard Contents
Key strokes
Running applications
Web addresses
Calendar Data & Alerts
Device Information
Address Book Contact Information -
Clamav Search Database....
ClamAV Virus Database Search Search for: begins withcontainsexactregex
Case-sensitive search: YesNo
Search database(s): DailyMain
Display results: DatabaseFileVirus NameSignatureSearch results:
daily.cvd not-OSX.Tored daily.cvd Osx.Exploit.Iosjailbreak-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.MW2004 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.ClickAgent daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.RSPlug-1 daily.cvd OSX.Defma daily.cvd MacOSX.Revir-1 daily.cvd OSX.BlackHol daily.cvd OSX.BlackHol-1 daily.cvd OSX.Trojan.Iumler-1 daily.cvd OSX.Trojan.Imuler-1 daily.cvd Osx.Exploit.CVE_2009_0563.Gen daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.CVE_2009_0563.Gen daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Lamzev-2 daily.cvd Osx.Worm.Niqtana-11 daily.cvd Osx.Exploit.Small-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Blackhole-2 daily.cvd Osx.Virus.Generic-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Typeagnet-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Olyx-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Spynion-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Gaslome-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-21 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-27 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Hoax-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Logkext-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakealert-9 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Defma-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Lamadai-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Olyx-3 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Imunizator-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-17 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-29 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Devilrobber-4 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Getshell-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Morcut-8 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Finspy-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Krowi-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Imunizator-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Codecm-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Imuler-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Muxler-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Getshell-4 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Docster-3 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Wirenet-5 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Docster-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Blackhole-1 daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.Monitor-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Muxler-3 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Reshe-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-8 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakealert-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakealert-6 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Hackback-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-11 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-23 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Baoba-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Hacktool-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Morcut-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Morcut-7 daily.cvd Osx.Virus.Zako-2 daily.cvd Osx.Virus.Zako-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Monitor-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Getshell-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Musminim-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Hackback-5 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Kitm-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Kitm-3 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Hackback-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Hoax-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Wirenet-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-18 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-25 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Monitor-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Demo-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Wirenet-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakecodecs-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Getshell-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-19 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Favdonw-1 daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.Monitor-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Logkext-3 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Leverage-1 daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.Generic-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Lamadai-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Zako-3 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Icefog-7 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-9 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Icefog-4 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Icefog-5 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Icefog-6 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Boonana-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Monitor-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Boonana-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-31 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-10 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-22 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-28 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Zako-2 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-12 daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.Monitor-4 daily.cvd Osx.Virus.Monitoring-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Imuler-2 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Codecm-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Perfect-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Bure-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Morcut-6 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Longage-1 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Geonei-9 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Geonei-5 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-8 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Generic-1 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Geonei-7 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Geonei-6 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-24 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-26 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakealert-8 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-16 daily.cvd Osx.Adware.Geonei-8 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Krowi-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Laoshu-1 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-7 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-10 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-11 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-20 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Flashback-30 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Fakealert-7 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Morcut-4 daily.cvd Osx.Backdoor.Morcut-13 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.LaoShu-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Blackhole-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.PokerStealer daily.cvd Osx.Worm.Leap daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.LoseLose daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.Logkext-5 daily.cvd OSX.Trojan.KitM-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Janicab-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Janicab.Gen-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Janicab.Gen-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Lamzev daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Olyx.A daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Icefog daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Icefog-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-6 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-7 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Yontoo-5 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Okaz-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Pintsized-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.CallMe daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Netweird daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Boaba daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Janicab-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Olyx daily.cvd Osx.Keylogger.LogKext-4 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Genieo-1 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Imuler-2 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Imuler-3 daily.cvd Osx.Trojan.Imuler-4 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main.cvd OSX.Flashback-4 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Miner main.cvd OSX.Flashback-6 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-7 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-17 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-18 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-15 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-16 main.cvd Adware.OSX main.cvd OSX.Flashfake.Java main.cvd Trojan.OSX.FlashBack-2 main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Yontoo main.cvd Osx.Exploit.CVE_2009_0563 main.cvd OSX.Trojan.FkCodec.A main.cvd OSX.DNSChanger main.cvd OSX.Trojan-2 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Opener main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.C main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.D main.cvd OSX.Tored main.cvd OSX.RSPlug-2 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.OpinionSpy.B main.cvd Trojan.OSX.OpinionSpy.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.MacDefender main.cvd Trojan.OSX.MacDefender.B main.cvd Trojan.OSX.MacDefender.C main.cvd OSX.Defma-1 main.cvd OSX.Defma-2 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.MacBack main.cvd Trojan-Downloader.OSX.Fav.A main.cvd Trojan-Downloader.OSX.Fav.B main.cvd MacOSX.iMuler-1 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.FlashBack.A main.cvd OSX.DevilRobber main.cvd OSX.Flashback-5 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Imuler main.cvd OSX.Word.Malware main.cvd OSX.Word.Malware-1 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-8 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-10 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-12 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-9 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-13 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-14 main.cvd OSX.Flashfake main.cvd OSX.SubPub main.cvd OSX.Flashback-19 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-20 main.cvd OSX.Maljava main.cvd OSX.Flashback-21 main.cvd OSX.Flashfake-1 main.cvd OSX.Flashfake-2 main.cvd OSX.Flashback-22 main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Crisis.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Crisis.B main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Crisis main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Crisis-1 main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Crisis-2 main.cvd OSX.Trojan.HellRTS main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Musminim main.cvd Trojan.OSX.AppleScriptTHT.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Morcut.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.DevilRobber.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Miner.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Dockster.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Dockster.B main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Darkoperator.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Hellraiser.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Inqtana.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.iServices.C main.cvd Trojan.OSX.iServices.D main.cvd Trojan.OSX.iMunizator.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.FkCodec.A main.cvd Trojan.OSX.FkCodec.B main.cvd Trojan.OSX.FkCodec.C main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Renepo.H main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.I main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.J main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.K main.cvd Trojan.OSX.RSPlug.L main.cvd Trojan.OSX.Netweird.A main.cvd VirTool.OSX.Rubilyn.A main.cvd VirTool.OSX.Rubilyn.B main.cvd Trojan.OSX.SMSsend.A main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Pintsized main.cvd OSX.Trojan.Pintsized-1
277 hits for 'osx'
See this ....!!!!
OSX/Crisis, Mountain Lion security, Safari vulnerabilities and a BIOS blast from the past
PoC EFI rootkit:
July 2012 at Black Hat: EFI rootkit for Macs demonstrated
Sources and resources:
OS X Exploits and Defense, by Paul Baccas, Kevin Finisterre, David Harley, Larry H., Gary Porteus (published by Syngress)
Viruses Revealed, by David Harley, Robert Slade, Urs Gattiker (published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
Viruses and the Mac FAQ, by David Harley (Mac Virus): not currently available due to the need for extensive updating.
Macs and Macros: the State of the Macintosh Nation by David Harley (paper and presentation for Virus Bulletin)
Perception, Security, and Worms in the Apple by David Harley, Pierre-Marc Bureau and Andrew Lee (paper and presentation for EICAR: the presentation is available here).
The AVIEN Malware Defense Guide for the Enterprise, by David Harley, Ken Bechtel, Michael Blanchard, Henk K. Diemer, Andrew Lee, Igor Muttik, Bojan Zdrnja, Robert Vibert, Judith Harley, Ken Dunham, Paul O. Baccas, Tony Bradley, Enrique Gonzalez, David Phillips, Paul Schmehl, James Wolfe. Published by Syngress.
Methusela Cebrian Ferrer. (2009) A Closer Look at Mac OS X Threats. Virus Bulletin Conference Proceedings (pp153-164): Virus Bulletin.
Graham Cluley (2010-2011) History of Mac malware: 1982 – 2011 and Apple Mac malware: A short history (1982-2010): Naked Security website
*I just noticed a visual glitch in the ESET page that only shows up if you use Internet Explorer 10 (and possibly 9: I don’t have that to hand to test with, but I couldn’t reproduce it on a system with IE 8). I’ve mentioned it to ESET, so by the time you read this it may already be gone. In any case, clicking the compatibility view button on the address bar should fix it.See the Youtube video on Blackhat EFI Mac malware:- (you can google search it for a pdf file on it)