Forgot my F-secure Anti theft password.

I enabled anti theft security in my nokia smart phone N800, and now i forgot the password in a great collapse. Am now worried will i be able to use other sim in my phone. Pls help me how to reset the password or to uninstall and install again.
Note: the problem is i din define a trusted number when i enabled the anti theft.. I couldn change any setting or i couldn exut tat application as it prompt for that code to exit or do any furthet change in the settings...Am totally confused and worried abt my phone.. pls help?
Hi achaljain,
We can help you with this problem, but not here on our community. Please open ticket to our support.
To contact support, please go to following address: -
HI Maria,
As previously mentionned by Jayson and Jari-P, we can help you with your issue, but not here in the community.
Please take contact with our support: -
I made the same mistake. Contacted a week a go to the support. Have sent them my phone number, my subscription number, my IMEI-code, a scan from the F-Secure purchase receipt, a scan from the phone box. Have sent everything they have asked. Nothing happens, I have not get any reset to the Anti-Theft Security code.
My phone has been a partly non-usable a week now and it seems to be at same state forever.