Freedome on Denver tablet not working

I have a Denver tablet and have install Freedome, but i can not get it to work, when clicking on,  it try to establish a contact but it stop always, so i dont get any connection...

Why can i not put the VPN manualy in my device?

Or how can i get it to work?

The denver is a android tablet a standard one, but i hope someone have a solution for me?



  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Hi Jagge,


    Do you receive any kind of error message when it tries to establish a connection?

  • Jagge
    Jagge Posts: 4

    Hi again, sorry to say but i do not get any error messages at all, it only fail to connect.

    The Freedome app do like this: When press on it the ring starts to circle around and trying to connect it says then that its ON but it do not take many secounds before it stop all by it self, and the protection is OFF, it can not choose any virtuell place.

    My device have a  brand rk30sdk

    Android version 4.1.1

    Can it be my plates kernel that is the one who cause all problem to connect or what can it be?

  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Ok, checking this with our technicians now.

    We will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Hi again, got the following reply from our Freedome team:


    1) Provide us the log file (Tap version number in About page 7 times and click "Send log file")
    2) Which "Virtual location" does it connected to during that short moment when it is connected? (Observable in bottom part of Main view)
    3) Is it possible to change to several other virtual location then try to reconnect?
    4) Is it possible to check if it happen when connected different network (e.g. WiFi vs 3G/4G)

  • Jagge
    Jagge Posts: 4

    Hi again,

    1: I have sent the logfile as you requested .

    2: If you mean by Location then i have try sweden and finland, the blue ring is moving in that circle a longer time but after stop to move and tell the protection is off.

    3: As far  i know i can change the virtual locations, while the ring is moving and try to connect.

    4: I do not have 3g on my tablet so all i can do is try connect thru wifi.


    I hope that there will come some information on the logfile that can tell what the problem is.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Hello, got a new reply from our Freedome team who has checked the logfiles. Unfortunately, your device is incompatible with our app. Attaching additional information here:


    Some vendors either don’t include VPN support at all, or misconfigure the firmware so that it doesn’t work.
    Nothing we can do in our app, if there’s a firmware upgrade available for the device, it might help.

  • Jagge
    Jagge Posts: 4

    Thank you for the reply and for try help me out.

    But what device or software should then the tablet have, i mean ipad and samsung truly would work, but any other Brands? Asus? Lenovo? should it have Jellybean or what for work with Freedom?

    I would be ready buy a other plate but not apple because of personal reasons.

    Can you help me out ? can the software in a asus or lenovo plates connect to Freedom?

  • Hello Jagge,


    the brand doesn't really matter as the main problem here is the firmware and the kernel used in the ROM. If the vendor would, for any reason, decide that they don't want to enable the VPN feature on their version of Android, there is nothing to do about it. It's simply not there. You can check this link to see people with different devices and different Android versions having VPN issues 


    I would suggest to update your device to the latest firmware released by the vendor and see if it works. You can aslo contact them and open a case about this problem. 

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