This is the wors antivirus solution on the planet
This tool doe not work at all:
Extremely poor support.
Do not delete my post!
I just went through our Spam Quarantine and noticed that all of your messages have been ending up auto-recognized as Spam... which is unusual behavior for our spam detector, so I'm not sure if it's because of certain words that you used in your posts, or if it was recognizing the link as being somehow malicious.
Please note that we do NOT delete or otherwise filter out negative feedback! I have released your messages from the Spam Quarantine and merged them together, as I'm sure you did not intend to start that many threads, and only did so in an attempt that the information become visible.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel as negatively as you do about our products, and I do hope that our Support can assist you in finding some solution.
If you could please share what the issue you are having is, I will make sure to escalate the issue to the right people. In the meantime, you may also receive some helpful insight in the replies from our loyal Community users as well as our support staff.
Once again, our apologies for the frustration you've been experiencing, but we are here to help!
// Chrissy
Hi AllC,
Thanks for the link to the review.
Quite frankly, the review you linked is not only inaccurate - it also includes very little information to act upon.
I personally expect a review to test/review the product from a neutral, objective point of view. This review reads more like someone wrote down his/her anger.As you can see from our review/awards page here, our products won many awards, among them best protection 2012 (Internet Security) and 2013 (Client Security)
Please also check AV-Test, an independend testing organization. Our Internet Security got 100% protection scores in January and February - the industry average being 94%, as stated by AV-Test.
The mindgem review states: While other antivirus applications check for virus signatures in a file, F-Secure does the opposite and assumes a file a virus until proven otherwise.
This statement is wrong.
We, as most other antivirus solutions, use signature detection as well, the traditional way you describe to detect known malware - but in todays world this is simply not enough.With the amount of malware being published every single day, signature detection is simply not capable of protecting you.
That is why we, and many other vendors, use more intelligent technologies to prevent your machine from getting infected.
If mindgem identified problems between their software and ours, we'd be glad to help.
Do you have a relation to mindgem? If yes, would be great if you/mindgem could open a support ticket with all the details of the problems you are facing - we'd be happy to investigate.
Just pass me the case reference via private message, I'll follow up the case.
Edit: the review states:
2. They are unable to fix their issues and demand us to pay fees in order to fix their problems. Of course that is not going to happen – all popular antivirus tools properly detect our software as SAFE to use.
This statement is wrong. We do not demand any fees or other forms of payment for sample submissions to our lab.
Best regards,Stephan
Consumer Service Manager