uninstall f-secure

I installed a Ziggo internet security program, which was produced by F-secure on my windows 7 desktop.
I first installed a basic version, then I bought and installed the complete version. It did worked quite well, but because I got sometimes a message that the basic version was installed and not working, Ziggo give me the advice and a link to use the F-secure uninstallation program and then install all new.
Afrer I did this, now I get the message that my windows 7 version is not compatibel, and I can't install this internet security program.
Because all my other security programs were deleted by installing this Ziggo program, I have to install these once again, to be sure my desktop is safe.
Does anyone can tell me how this 'ïncompabitel" problem can be solved ?
What other security programs did you install? Other "antivirus" programs are most likely incompatible with F-Secure.
You might also want to check if any Windows Updates are available for installation as they can interfere with the F-Secure installation. For example Microsoft has recently published a security update for the Microsoft Update itself, for Windows 7 (Service Pack 1):
For more detailed information on how to do a clean re-install:
Internet Security installation failing and/or program malfunctioning