Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Final (Free)

A couple of days ago Malwarebytes (that has the popular Anti-Malware product "MBAM") released its first stable release of their Anti-Exploit product "MBAE". It's been a beta for quite some time but is now considered stable.
If you want a free anti-exploit product and you don't have any other anti-exploit software installed (like EMET or HMP.Alert) then MBAE is a good choice. There are known conflicts with EMET, HMP.Alert and some other products so make sure you read that first.
The free version will protect browsers, add-ons and Java.
If you find EMET to advanced then MBAE is a better choice.
More information and download:
Video demo:
Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit, formerly known as ExploitShield by ZeroVulnerabilityLabs, is a security program that protects you from zero-day exploits that target browser and application vulnerabilities. This program is meant to run alongside your traditional anti-virus or anti-malware products and provides extra protection against software and Windows vulnerabilities that are discovered, but do not have a patch available to fix them.
Like addition can to add about my experience (which not about Final-version, but they probably can not to fix current situation);
Except known troubles ("conflicts") - which able to read and checking by link.
I can to repeat probably same words, but common words... maybe can not be "too much".
Need be ready for practically many other troubles, include... troubles which will be "not really visible".
Practically it can be like triple-trouble around any browser/MBAE/protection-software.
With any strange situation during "Malwarebytes" Anti-exploit... I can to recommend from first.. checking situation - when current one - disabled
Also... need be ready... that any security-features by default (system / another protection-software / software security-settings) can be broken.
Not sure.. that here final already "true" final without troubles.
Later added:
Oh.. they also get different Premium / Promo.
Ok.. so... browsers/java for not-premium versions... can be with less troubles, but with some of common troubles too.
I'll give it a test run, but I'm not entirely happy with the way the new MBAM is running at the moment, as it has caused quite a few extended boot ups and general slowdowns recently, on both my 8.1 and Win7 machines. I wonder if Malwarebytes are trying to diversify a bit too much, when they should be concentrating on getting their main product right?
Simon, you can always create a support ticket and provide Diagnostic Logs similar to FSDIAG for F-Secure:
I can't say I have any major issues with MBAM2, only minor ones that I can live with.
So, what's the difference between MBAE and HMP Alert? From what I can gather, HMPA only informs the user of threats but doesn't actually block them, but MBAE does actively block threats. If that is true, then what's the point in having HMPA? I downloaded that onto my Desktop, and it implies that it is protecting me from CryptoLocker, and similar, but if it's only advising that I have it, that's not much help.
Not really know about difference between
But certainly have one same thing -> they not really better... than EMETAnd like my opinion:
-> if user have any protection-software (good software) - here already should be any exploit-protection things;
-> MBAE and potentially HMP Alert (if here about Two-version -> certainly) can not be really helpful -> much better, than it's can be with common situations.
-> But certainly will be troubles about "compatibility" and certainly can be troubles about "compatiblity" - if protection-software (which have user) have features about cloud-based/network-connection like important-part.
And some other thngs.
What about outdate versions of Windows -> MBAE not really help there.... or they should to prevent "valid actions".
What about CryptoLocker -> probably here will be just "signature"-base and "URLs"-base...... because I not really understand.. how MBAE can to protect against CrytptoLocker by other steps... with less "bad things" for system.
Except any "injection" for any libraries or hosts-file like example. Which already can be potentially not really nice.
But of course.... here can be big point for use, which related with style of use Network.
Because... if user meet each day any zero-days troubles and exploits (known exploits). Current one.. of course.. can be time to time helpful. But also can be not helpful - because can not prevent something indeed "high"-quality or "when something goes wrong".
Yes, as the name suggests the present HitmanPro.Alert 2.6.5 only alerts for threats and you have to download and run their main anti-malware scanner-HitManPro to remove the infection.
But versions 2.5 and above also offers CryptoGuard which helps in guarding against Ransomware. However, this time it will block the encryption of files and protects all documents and files on your computer. HMP. Alert again will not block the infection but will block crypto attacks on the documents and files on the computer.
So overall, the present HitmanPro.Alert by itself ; Only alerts against potential threats, offers some protection against Ransomware but no protection against exploits(although this will be addressed in HMP.Alert 3 which will have anti-exploit protection).
MBAE on the other hand offers anti-exploit real-time protection and works actively to block these threats.
Take your pick of the two, but I have uninstalled HMP.Alert and installed MBAE. Further, to cover Ransomware protection I am using CryptoPrevent and I always have a reliable back-up in reserve.
It seems a shame that HMP Alert can't be integrated into HMP itself, so as to provide a comprehensive protection. What I'm not keen on is having one app for this, one app for that, and another app for something else. Sooner or later, the more separate apps you use, the higher the risk of conflicts - this is why I have always favoured 'all-in-one' suites, such as FSIS. It's just a shame that one product doesn't do it all.
I doubt whether HMP Alert will be immersed into the main HMP program for simple economic reasons; they use the free Alert only to entice users to buy the main one. And having 2 distinct products will still remain the same with the release of the much more feature-rich version 3 of HMP.Alert.
There was also a suggestion at one time that MBAE would become part of MBAM ( a great idea!) but now I think that for the Professional/Premium versions, Malwarebytes want 2 revenue streams with annual licenses.
In contrast, I much prefer to use a layered defense, but each to his own