Mobile security uses lot of battery in Nexus 5, Android

timot Posts: 27 Explorer

I noticed yesterday when looking the battery usage that F-secure Mobile secuity is on top of the list. I was wondering why battery goes down much faster than normally as I have hardky used the phone. Mobile security has taken 50% of all  battery usage. I have not seen this before (but have to say , not looked at the battery usage many times) that Mobile Security is on top or even close to. I got Android update lately 4.4.2 to 4.4.3, can this be related to that? Or has mob security changed lately? I have mob security version 9.2.14923 FS-GP. With this much battery usage I have to disable mob security.



  • @timot ,


    Did you happen to run a or more full scan of your Nexus? 


    Could you give us more details when you say "I have hardly used the phone"? 


    PS: I moved your post to the most relevant board.

  • timot
    timot Posts: 27 Explorer

    No scan during this time frame when I checked the battery usage.This was during weekend when I did not realy use the phone.


    I used the standard android battery application which shows the use after last battery charge. It showed that about 50% of the battery use was by mob security. Now I have uninstalled the mobile security. Maybe I will reinstall it to see what happens.

  • Thank you for the update.


    As this is a strange behaviour let us know if you reinstall Mobile security and get the same result.


    Could you also provide a screenshot of the monitoring app if you decide to reinstall?

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