Security Program Blocked by Group Policy

Can anyone help - anyone had a similar problem? When trying to run F-secure internet security check I get the error message "Program blocked by group policy - contact your system administrator! Same message when I try to uninstall the program, (in order to try reinstalling it and clearing the problem). This is my home computer not linked to any work network etc so cannot understand this? It has worked previously so not sure what has happened. Any advice gratefully received.
AppLocker or SRP(Software Restriction Policy) could be the reason. But if you haven't enabled any such (advanced)restrictions, maybe you've installed some other security related program that's enabled it?
If not, there's a chance it's caused by malware.
I suggest you download the free version of Anti-Malware and do a scan.
You could also try
What OS do you have? Home/Professional etc version?
thanks for your reply - I have Windows 7 Home Premium. I have installed the free malware you suggested and was able to run a scan with this. I still cannot run the F-Secure scan - I get the same message - but at least the malware one seems to be working - and identified lots of risks!! Thanks again for your help.
If it's possibly... could you add log-files by MBAM (Malwarebytes utility), which your run and it's found some of "risks". But with edited.. about any your information, which can be "secret".
Basically.. most of them... should be not really "critical risks".Also... about F-Secure status.. it's able.. that you have troubles about Group Policy.
Potentially... MBAM can to give any "steps for fix" after scan, but maybe not. Basically.. it's can be fixed.. by any registry-changes.
If F-Secure previously work as should..... maybe you installed something before that situation - like any software?! It's can be with some payload... which create that situation like malicious-action.
@gatsby That's a good start. But since F-Secure is blocked you should try to scan with another traditional antivirus also, because MalwareBytes Anti-Malware doesn't search for older viruses for example. You could try Microsoft Safety Scanner:
Windows 7 Home Premium doesn't have the Group Policy Editor, otherwise you could have checked the restriction settings there. However, I think any restricted applications might be visible in the registry. Open a command prompt(cmd.exe) and copy/paste the bold line below, then press ENTER and copy the output back here in a new post.
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer" /s
(reg query asks the Windows Registry/Database to show all settings for this area, where usually any program restrictions are stored. If you're lucky you get a list of all programs that are not allowed to start)
If you don't get any results try this too:
reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer" /s
HKLM means Local Machine, and HKCU means Current User.
Are you sure you haven't installed any program which purpose is to restrict certain applications from starting? Usually to restrict malware like cryptolocker etc. If so, that program might wrongly be blocking F-Secure to start.
If you're unsure, go to (Windows) Control Panel - Programs and features, and sort on Date and you'll find all recent installed programs.