GameOver Zeus

I know little about computer safety and is why I signed up first with Virgin the F-Secure. Having done this I have no real idea what security measures F-secure provide.
The latest scare regarding "GameOver Zeus" the Russian based cyber crime thingy has me worried.
Does F-secure protect against this, does it also provide a Firewall, virus blocker and the other bits of protection the average user would reqire or are we supposed to add additional protection and if so what.
Any advice would be welcome. Thanks in anticipation.
My personal opinion is that although every security suite will claim that it is all you need, a 'backup' or secondary app is always useful for the prevention of malware. Malwarebytes is known to work well alongside F-Secure, so you may want to take a look:
I believe the above, and F-Secure, will protect you from the current threats being talked about in the media, but as always, the user should also exercise their own defences, by not opening unexpected email attachments, paying attention to any pop up warnings from security programs, or even Windows, and not allowing browser plugins to be installed.
I'm sure others will also have recommendations and advice. -
Basically.... it will be reply, which can be "ignored". Because.... my current words will be hard to read (not because it's hard things... just "hard explanation" and hard to understand);
Also..... if we talk about F-Secure - it's one situation. About other companies - another.
It's mean - if you use F-Secure - it's can be different with other "style". And it related with my dreaming about "What mean be a F-Secure user or How to use F-Secure IS" (which I did...... like "words", but it so hard to read - and because... here will be another more common points);
It's just "some points" - which not enough for normal explanation. But probably you do not want to read "a lot of pages"
And your common question can be without one answer... because "related with your style about using Internet" - but basically - known threats - F-Secure detected; And F-Secure protected against many "not known" threats or variants of "new known" threats.
First some common items:
- Time to time can be very important get a "silence on public" about points - if you not really "know about computer safety" and related things around.
- Most companies created strategy of protection and based on "If all OK...."
- Basic layers of protection - most companies have "same status"; F-Secure (and some other - five or six) companies have more greatest basic layer (about signature-based detection);
Other layers can be much better with F-Secure, than with other companies. And here not about Firewall - because... F-Secure used default Windows (which good) and some of "addition-technologies" around it - for increase protection-level.
- Any company can not to protect you against something targeted, which you probably not should to meet. And also.... can not to protect against something 'high-quality' after "seconds", when it's created.
- Most important additional protection - careful style and you like "driver" of all that "protection-machine";
Now about.... some kind of steps, which more related with F-Secure IS (if you choose it). Just "list of points" with not really interesting description. Which can not to help without your actions... and which not always important and required for your protection
Spoiler- Good - if you use modern operation system (Windows 8 and next); And good if it's 64bit;
- Good - if you use modern browser;
- Good - if you always update and upgrade it after "available"-status for any updates; Current one related with any software, but commonly used to attacks -> operation system and browser; Other software - probably you not always need to use.... but if you use it - good if it's updated always too;
- Good - if you download/buy any software from official source or most trusted (but most trusted here... so "randomly"); And during ANY installation - SO CAREFUL - with reading about - WHAT YOU INSTALL and WHAT ELSE CAN BE Installed here. Uncheck any things, which you not ask, do not want or do not know.
- Good - if you choose any addition security-settings for any software, where it's possible. It's globally.. because any software have various points around. So, you should to check - which software you have and what protection-settings here can be. Also if it's modern systems (Windows Vista and next) -> UAC not bad - need to use it
But it's not give protection from all of things. And also - UAC just help for you - And here you Rule it. Not UAC.
It was just "good points" - which can be important. And can be important during experience with F-Secure IS like background.
So, it's mean.... you have clean modern operation system (which can be most modern) with all updates installed, with modern browsers (with updates), with JUST REQUIRED (indeed... which you use.. and it's not just because beauty, maybe can be helpful. Just which NEEDED for you) software - which also updated, with some addition protection-settings (related with software), with trusted network-connection.
You able to install F-Secure IS and it's will be "required" background.
After what - you should be with next points.....
Spoiler- F-Secure IS can be by default.. with not all settings, which give most powerful protection. You should to check it. And if you have questions - ask it. Most powerful protection can to give for you "many prompts" or other, which you don't want to see.
- You should be with good passwords (F-Secure recommend to use F-Secure Key for storage and for generate unique passwords). Here you should be with "dreams about" - which services should be with strong passwors, which passwords should be best.. and which passwords should be "top secret". Hacked by "passwords" - popular. If you want be worry-free.... use good password for most importat services (which you have) and save it... with strong-secret-steps. It's can be different. Also about "strong", "save", "how to storage" and other... can be a lot of words. Not all tips are good.
- You should be careful about potential toolbars, addons, BHO and other - which can be like payload during installation for any other software. Can be called as "PUPs", "Adware", "Riskware" and other... which F-Secure detect just about "totally harmful". But "clean" "unwanted applications" - can be not safe for your system.
- You should be careful and worry about advertisements, banners and other. time to time - enought.. just checked and understand -> "Current one Advertisements" and current one "Good link".
- F-Secure based on "multi-layer" protection. For normally work about all layers.. required.. a lot of "IF". So - you should to understand it.. and be ready..... for any strange situations. And be careful about ANY your actions with web.
- You can to meet false-positive-situations - not be angry. Just contact F-Secure Support for ask - about "indeed current one - false positive or not";
- Do not forget - time to time - start FULL Scan for system. Do not forget after downloading something - scan it.
About addition steps... and points around. You, of course, can to use a lot of other addition protection-software or software, which can to help you.... get system with "proper"-status.
But... time to time... it can to give.. just new vulnerabilities, new troubles for system, new troubles around "compatibility" with F-Secure IS.
SpoilerAbout good thing... and item... which can be helpful for you - not like about "protection" - but "ready for protection"; Software like CCleaner (by Piriform) - BUT.... you not should to use it as "default". And use should be WORRY... about settings, which you use here.
Strongly needed... to choose items, which should be "clear" and etc. For example, CCleaner will be helpful for you - if you want to remove any cookies. Surfed by web -> goes to CCleaner - clean that (after default cleaning by browser?!). Also it's can be other things... which time to time can be helpful. You just can to try and to USE... just items.. WHICH YOU certainly understand.
Also it's can be helpful for fix any "outdate keys" or "troubles" for registry.
Also... it's can be helpful for checking any autoruns keys (not just by default Windows - because more interesting) about system, about plugins with browser and etc. It's can be helpful. And related things.
Also it's can be indeed.. any protection-software as... addition. But... current ones... a lot... and a lot... It's can be so different tips and variants.. which all close to "nice". In fact - not always.. it's needed.
So.... "If all OK" - F-Secure give for you best protection-level. Other companies work with "If all OK" - too. Or not give for you best-protection-level (in all meanings);
F-Secure IS have most important layers for protection, which indeed related with protection. Protection, which should be by protection-software.
And here like most addition layer (for me) - you just should think "Maybe you don't need Internet?! Why certainly you should to use it - if more interesting goes to street?!"
Or simply.... try to check.. how many things and actions with Network/Internet - indeed.... needed for you.
Drop.... not needed things... and your protection-status will be increasing "so high".
SpoilerJust be careful about any actions, which you not really understand.
Be ready - that any letters, words by e-mail.... by any social-media-blog-sites... are trick. And all of that can be using for attack.
Basically... virusmakers.. needed to create "fishing"... and not so "basically", when you just to "casual" steps and actions - but something goes wrong. Here... practically:
- Not your "trouble" (by source) - because it's troubles by administrators, developers, other guys.. who give vulnerability and reason for attacks by their website, software or other.
It's mean - you visit safe-known-page, but that page... already hacked or source of malicious - because here not really nice administrators, developers or other... who not really worry about safety status of their users.
It's hard for adminstrators, developers... but they should do that... more "speedy" - if something wrong happened. You should be ready for that;
- Randomly mistake... and something goes wrong. Here practically can be prevented by multi-layers of protection.
Or you worry about any actions, which you not understand. Or..... just trying to check time to tme... by other scanners (MBAM already was like example.. you can other too. Which more better);
- F-Secure close to "speedy" reaction for any threats.
So..... if you not goes to "most fresh and new" sources of malware... you can be totally safe.
Any new malicious files or attacks, which not known for any companies.... can be start known after some days (weeks) and F-Secure - one of companies - which do that "Speedy";
So - if you without "aggresive"-style with Internet. You probably can to meet just "known" malicious files. Which can be known already long time. If you meet something new and F-Secure not help with that - here..... your status "as driver" for all "protection-machine".... should be greatest.
My important... tips can be (and you able "not listen it") - minimize your "needed"-things with Internet. And all will be OK
Use F-Secure IS - because it high-quality protection-software. Use just needed-things about Network. Try to do that careful.
Some kind of..... I prefer to local listen "Old Man Markley - Do Me Like You Do", than goes to unknown website for me...... without any reasons
Sorry about long reply.. without really connection with your question.
Commonly it's should to sounds like:
"F-Secure - good and enough";
"Addition layers - you and just your choice".
"Various attacks using.... things, which usually not needed to use by user";
"If something goes wrong - it's can be - you should be ready for that - like any backup-points and "important"-things - which not hard to re-change, re-back and which not related with other your important things";
"And it's can be more various good tips, words, meanings - which mean - addition layer - start to check it more clear, than it was before".
You can also go through the following articles for more information:
Thanks to everyone for your contributions, I will read everything and hope I can understand it all. I suppose when they catch these people the judge will probably get them all a severe finger wagging for causing all this grief around the world....that should really scare them and I'm sure they will never misbehave ever again ha ha
In order to be thorough we also created the following page.