Windows "Send to" VirusTotal/HerdProtect (.bat file)
This is a script I've been working on. Hopefully someone else will find it as useful as I do. It's a batch file that you add to the Windows context menu "Send to". Then in Windows Explorer you select file(s) or folder(s), right-click and select "Send to" => VirusTotal - HerdProtect
VirusTotal and HerdProtect are two multi-engine scanners, currently working with 53 vs. 68 AV engines.
- Download Sigcheck 2.1 from Sysinternals (Published May 2, 2014) and save the exe file either in your path or in the same folder the .bat file in step 2 will be created
- Create a new text document and name it CheckVTandHerdProtect.bat (or anything.bat)
- Copy everything in the spoiler below and paste it in the .bat file. Then save it.
- Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo (where USERNAME is your Windows log in name) Or simply press Win+R and type shell:sendto
- Add a shortcut to the .bat file
I haven't tested this on a 64-bit OS, but you may have to change the shortcut to use the 32-bit cmd.exe which is located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 so the shortcut should be like C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /C "C:\CheckVTandHerdProtect.bat" Note the /C in the middle!
(it may sound strange but the SysWOW64 is actually for 32-bit and the System32 is for 64-bit programs)
Now test and right-click a file in Windows Explorer, select the "Send to" menu, then "VirusTotal - HerdProtect" and follow the instructions.
The .bat file content is in the spoiler below:
@echo off REM sigcheck.exe needs to be either in the path or in the "Start in" folder of the shortcut in the Send To menu REM "Send To" shortcuts are in: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo REM where USERNAME should be replaced with your logged in name in Windows TITLE=Sigcheck - VirusTotal - HerdProtect IF [%1]==[] GOTO EMPTY echo Parameter: %1 IF EXIST %1\* GOTO FOLDER set PARAMTYPE=FILE echo File name: %~nx1 GOTO MENU :FOLDER set PARAMTYPE=DIRECTORY echo Directory name: %~nx1 :MENU IF NOT [%2]==[] ECHO (multiple parameters detected. assuming all parameters is of type '%PARAMTYPE%') echo. echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Options: echo F. (for Files) Show signed/unsigned info + Open VT report for unknown/non-zero files echo D. (for Directories) Only show files that are unknown by VirusTotal or have non-zero detection echo + open VT report echo Info: Scans executable images only (regardless the extensions of the files) echo S. (same as option D but with Subdirectories) echo H. (for files) Search the files SHA1 hash on echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXIST %1\* ECHO Tip: You can use option F also for directories, to get detailed info for every file echo NOTE: echo - Unknown files will be uploaded to VirusTotal echo - For VirusTotal options(F,D,S) a browser will be opened only for unknown/non-zero files echo - For HerdProtect(H) a browser will be opened for EACH FILE! echo. choice /C FDSH /M "Enter one of the choices above (or close this window to cancel)" echo. if errorlevel 4 GOTO MENU_H if errorlevel 3 GOTO MENU_S if errorlevel 2 GOTO MENU_D if errorlevel 1 GOTO MENU_F goto EOF :MENU_F echo. ECHO ***** Processing %1 ... ***** sigcheck -q -h -a -vrs -vt %1 SHIFT IF NOT [%1]==[] GOTO MENU_F GOTO END :MENU_D echo. ECHO ***** Processing %1 ... ***** sigcheck -q -u -e -vrs -vt %1 SHIFT IF NOT [%1]==[] GOTO MENU_D GOTO END :MENU_S echo. ECHO ***** Processing %1 ... ***** sigcheck -q -u -s -e -vrs -vt %1 SHIFT IF NOT [%1]==[] GOTO MENU_S GOTO END :MENU_H echo. REM Get the SHA1 for the file and store the output in a txt file sigcheck -q -h %1 | findstr "SHA1: " | findstr /V "PESHA1" > tempSHA1.txt set /p SHA1=<tempSHA1.txt REM Delete tab, spaces etc so only the SHA1 value remains in the SHA1 variable set SHA1=%SHA1: SHA1: =% CALL :ToLowerCase SHA1 set SHA1FILE=%~nx1 CALL :ToLowerCase SHA1FILE REM Replace spaces with minus signs (as this is how herdprotect expects it) set SHA1FILE=%SHA1FILE: =-% echo Launching browser: start /D "" SHIFT IF NOT [%1]==[] GOTO MENU_H GOTO END :ToLowerCase FOR %%i IN ("A=a" "B=b" "C=c" "D=d" "E=e" "F=f" "G=g" "H=h" "I=i" "J=j" "K=k" "L=l" "M=m" "N=n" "O=o" "P=p" "Q=q" "R=r" "S=s" "T=t" "U=u" "V=v" "W=w" "X=x" "Y=y" "Z=z") DO CALL SET "%1=%%%1:%%~i%%" GOTO EOF :EMPTY echo Parameter is missing! Right-click on a file/folder and use "Send to" menu. :END pause :EOF
- If you select multiple items, only select objects of the same type, ie either only files or only folders, because the menu option you choose will be reused for all items.
- If you scan a directory and get the result "No matching files were found." it means that all files had zero detections on VirusTotal and none of the files were "unknown".
- For unknown(not previously scanned) files on VirusTotal, the scan results may not be available for five or more minutes.
- If a file hasn't been scanned on HerdProtect the browser will redirect to the KB page of herdProtect
- When opening a browser for herdProtect no browser is specified, so hopefully the default browser is launched. The command is start /D "" To specify a specific browser, add it after "" Example: start /D "" firefox.exe
- For herdProtect a temp file named tempSHA1.txt will be created to be able to move the SHA1 from the sigcheck output into a variable in the .bat file
- Neither sigcheck nor the .bat file requires admin rights
- The bat file is tested on Win 7 but will hopefully work on Win 8 as well. For XP there'll be problems with the CHOICE command and maybe more.
To see example outputs, click the spoiler below:
Parameter: "C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" File name: Foxit Reader.exe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options: F. (for Files) Show signed/unsigned info + Open VT report for unknown/non-zero files D. (for Directories) Only show files that are unknown by VirusTotal or have non-zero detection + open VT report Info: Scans executable images only (regardless the extensions of the files) S. (same as option D but with Subdirectories) H. (for files) Search the files SHA1 hash on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: - Unknown files will be uploaded to VirusTotal - For VirusTotal options(F,D,S) a browser will be opened only for unknown/non-zero files - For HerdProtect(H) a browser will be opened for EACH FILE! Enter one of the choices above (or close this window to cancel) [F,D,S,H]?F ***** Processing "C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" ... ***** c:\program files\foxit software\foxit reader\Foxit Reader.exe: Verified: Signed Signing date: 10:57 2013-07-22 Publisher: Foxit Corporation Description: n/a Product: n/a Prod version: n/a File version: n/a MachineType: 32-bit Binary Version: Original Name: n/a Internal Name: n/a Copyright: n/a Comments: n/a Entropy: 6.684 MD5: BA628CB4B2EFE4FDFB327EC84AE4A51C SHA1: 6B2F1CBCB7C94212F2FBEB7B32D350EB0E063995 PESHA1: C1FC944AE3196841780F971FC05D9D431935F649 PE256: 21B730AD50DD307D9609742A006D03B310CD784F79EDC3903792B2C26FBCB6DC SHA256: 8100EB871811667CEE9171B59B59342109BB46EAD75D7AF1CA902F0FEC62F511 VT detection: 0/48 VT link: /analysis/ Press any key to continue . . .
Example if you choose option H for herdProtect:
Launching browser:
Press any key to continue . . .
I don't think this is something I would use too regularly, but I've just set it up for testing on my Win 7 machine (32bit), and I'm getting this at the bottom of the screen when pressing any of the options:
'sigcheck' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .
What am I doing wrong? -
It means it can't find the file sigcheck.exe After downloading you should extract sigcheck.exe from it and save it in the same folder where you created the .bat file
Then open the send to folder (Win+R and type shell:sendto) and right-click the .bat file and select properties. Make sure the "Start in" folder is the same folder as the .bat file is stored in.
Thanks for testing.