extension or renewal subscription with reduced price

I have a 3-PC subscription (Windows 7) on internet-security and can renew it:for a reduced price.
- question 1: During the renewal process I see that can extend my 3-PC subscription to a 6-PC subscription. Does the reduced price holds for all 6 PCs?
- question 2: Can I extend my 3-PC subscription on a later date to e.g.. a 4-PC or 6-PC subscription? If so, does the price I have to pay equals to the renewal price (so a reduced price) and does the subscription for all PCs ends on the same date?
Regards, Hansvw
OK, sorry, I wasn't aware that they did that. I think it's probably best that someone from F-Secure answers the question about the discounts, but with regards adding devices to a licence, usually, you can add up to the maximum number of devices per license at any time during the period of the subscription, but adding a device at a later date will not extend the subscription for that device.
So, if you have a year's subscription which starts in, say, June, and you add another device in December, that 'new' device will still only be licensed till the following June. -
Hello Hansvw!
1. If you order a renewal of Internet security for 3 computers and activate it on one of these where Internet security will expire soon. Then you are going to add the new time for 3 computers. You dont extend the amount of computers. Basically you will get the new year/years + the days left on the old subsciption for 3 computers. Not for 6.
2. No, you cant extend the active key. You can however order a new 1/3 computer key. So you do get F-secure for 4/6 computers. But it will not be the same key. It will be two.
If you are planing to extend the license key for more amout of computers. Then I would recommend F-secure safe.
With Safe, You can now order F-secure for 3 computers. If you later on want to exent your order. Then you can do it.
With safe you still get Internet security if you install it on a windows computer. You can read more about it on the link I sent.
Emil, thanks for your answer.
On topic 1, when I go to my subscriptions and selects that I want to renew, I receive a window with several possibilities. When I select (Internet security) for 3PCs for 3 years, I receive a new window.
In this new window I see the costs for the product: renewal of the subscription for 3 PCs for 3 years with a unit price mentioned.
There is a box next to the unit price mentioning "amount". When I select 2, the window mentiones that I selected two products "renewal of the subscription for 3 PCs for 3 years with a unit price".
What does this mean?
I don't think F-Secure offer either 6 year licenses, or single licenses for 6 machines on the retail versions.
You can license 6 machines for 3 years each, by purchasing 2 licenses, each being 3 years for 3 machines, or I guess you could license 3 machines for 6 years by purchasing 2 licenses and adding them both to the same 3 machines, but I'm not sure why anyone would want to do that.
Perhaps we could be of more help if you explain what exactly you want to do?
@Hansvw wrote:There is a box next to the unit price mentioning "amount". When I select 2, the window mentiones that I selected two products "renewal of the subscription for 3 PCs for 3 years with a unit price".
What does this mean?
This is how I think it works:
When you buy a subscription for 3 PCs you get one subscription key that is valid for 3 computers. If you change the "amount" to 2 that's equal to doing the renewal purchase twice which means you'll get 2 separate subscription keys, each valid for 3 computers. So in total licenses for 6 PCs. Naturally the total price would double when the amount is 2. The unit price is this case means the price per 3 PCs, like a package price.
It would only make sense to change the "amount" from 1 to 2 if you have more than 3 computers. But not necessarily: if you have 4 PCs for example it's probably better to get an additional 1 PC license (besides the renewal for the existing 3 licenses)
Basically a subscription(key) has one or more licenses. How many licenses it has depends on what "package" you buy. You can't change the number of licenses after you have bought the subscription.