F-secure failed

have has F-secure safe from virgin media for six months now and it has failed to keep trojans and viruses malware and spyware out of my computer so uninstalled F-secure last night installed avast and it deleted two trojans and some spyware uninstalled avast installed kaspersky and it removed six viruses and a load of spyware and malware and you're shabby F-secure says yeah all is good nothing is wrong here in the outcome of all this i can no longer receive updates from microsoft for my pc very disappointed


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser



    Do you have logs by results of "work" with protection-software after uninstalling F-Secure?


    Just interesting to understand.... which items was in system and not detected by F-Secure and etc.

    Logs about scan-process/remove-actions about trojan, spyware,viruses and other malware.



    Also, just questions:


     - Did you Full Scan by F-Secure before uninstalling?

     - Which browser you usually to use?!

     - Did you try to re-check some settings about "scan-processes" (or it was totally default always)?

     - Do you often download various/other software from not official webpages of that programs?



    Sorry for questions. Also just interesting.


    About other... probably here should be F-Secure Team's answer.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Perhaps a Moderator could delete this duplicate post, so that the issue can be dealt with in one thread?

  • mckie357
    mckie357 Posts: 6
    I have nothing all I know the Trojans crippled windows update lol
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser

    Windows update-channel / option / feature / registry key (from true-to-false) can be blocked not just by Trojans or malware.


    It's can be like results of work any "tune up"-tools too.

    Any unwanted programs like toolbars (which can be installed with "wanted"-dreams). And other variants.


    Practically... if trojan-software blocked Windows Update... it's mean it's popular trojan and it's should be known for F-Secure and it's should be blocked by F-Secure.

    Or detected by Full Scan (if smart/fast scan not detected);



    If it's unknown trojan-software... and some kind of new...  it's practically... not reasonable for malware authors.. blocking Windows Update. Because it's so "visible" for user.

    Modern malware want be hidden and invisible. :)

  • mckie357
    mckie357 Posts: 6
    Well I was in a chat with Microsoft who took control of my PC done a tune up and all that came back all good so yeah that's why I don't no if I should trust F-secure or not as don't want anymore Trojans getting in
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser

    Here... just a big different.


    Shoud you trust to protection-software or not can be with various meanings:


     - I can to trust for F-Secure company, but can not to trust for companies from your first reply (where you explain about your steps after uninstalling). It's not matter - which protection-level have that companies (it's not better, than F-Secure) - but I can not to trust for that companies.


    It was first meaning.


     - I can to understand that F-Secure give high-level for protection.

    That level can not be much better with other protection-software. Different can be in specific-features, default-settings or "user-style". For example, NOD32 can to protect against a lot of "safe" potential unwanted applications (which F-Secure allow for user, because F-Secure think.. that user are right with steps about "safe" applications; NOD32 think.. that OK.. not matter if application are "safe" - we will be detected that, because probably user wrong understand "what he do").



    For totally protection against malware and trojans - not enough just protection-software.

    You (any user) should be so careful with modern-web. And it's sadly.

    Because that.... nice, when protection-software can to do that "sadly picture" - more interesting.

    When user can to trust for protection-software-company..... it's nice.

    When it's also good protection-level - it's already can be "worry-free";


    But worry free with "careful" steps and actions in web (without special tries to download malware and launch it) or just be careful with strange situations..


    Anyway... detection-name "Trojan" can be not always trojan-file. And also can be a lot of other detections - which not related with trojan, malware or other. But detection-name looks like that "something scary" - because current practice with detection-name in companies... some kind of "scary" :).


    It's not nice too.


    With other protection-software.. you also can to meet troubles with system.

    It's not totally related with F-Secure.... of course... if it's not possible to check.. which files / viruses / trojans / spyware... was detected by other companies. Maybe all of them was false-positive.

    Or all of them... can be detected by F-Secure with Full Scan for system or by Real-time Scanning during access or related things.


  • mckie357
    mckie357 Posts: 6
    I do full system scan almost every day with F-secure and did not detect anything had to ins other software to get rid of the virus and the reason I came on here was online chat was useless and virgin media even worse
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Did you fully remove Virgin Media Security, using the uninstallation tool, before installing F-Secure? Also, did you have any other anti virus software on your machine when you had F-Secure installed? I'm not saying FS is 100% bullet proof, as no single anti virus product is, but I would guess that something must have been wrong for you to have had several 'Trojans' getting into the machine. It doesn't usually happen.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser

    OK, probably here can be other steps, which probably you did not do..... or if you do that (so.. it's another situation):




     - By default - Full Scan for system should be without "advanced option for advanced scan" - but maybe it's default (?!).

    Anyway.... Full Scan can be with three options (it's can to change in Settings) for optimisation scan-process (Manual-scanning).

    Here can be "scan just known files", "scan zipped files" and "advanced scan setting" (which create much better detection-status);


    If you use just "last two" options...  and Full Scan was without detect...


    So, probably here....:


     - unknown malicious files for F-Secure (it's not really likely in that situation... but can be);

     - something close to rookits - but...... it's some kind of strange too; If other software detected that so fast and without troubles, but F-Secure not.


     - your system meet some Adware (where usually something like toolbars or other... but it's also can be virus/malware, of course too) which blocked Windows Update.

    F-Secure not detected that........  because application was "safe" (but unwanted and potentially riskware - but without maliicous actions).

    Anyway F-Secure should blocked "malicious" adware, potential unwanted software and etc. Current your "example" about protection-software... not always better with detection around "same" files. But it's can be.


    F-Secure can not to detect troubles around Windows Update (probably) and just because - it was says "All OK".

    Your examples (one of them, certainly can) detected that situation like result of "viruses or trojans" - but it's not always like that.


    So... here just sad.. that you don't have logs about detection-names by other protection-software.

    And things.. about "what was detected/removed" and etc.



    F-Secure can in some situations not prevent something malicious, but other companies too. And other companies in some situations - do that more often, than F-Secure.


    Here most "reasonable" variant (for me) - that you maybe downloaded some software from any soft-portal (not by official page) and it was with "malicious" or "safe, but unwanted" payloads. Here usually.. you able to "uncheck" payload during installation-process.



  • mckie357
    mckie357 Posts: 6
    I removed all security and virgin media tools before I installed FS
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,790 Superuser

    Just like little addition for my last reply (but... I ignore that point... in previous replies too):


     - I ignored "background" - that system and browsers should be up-to-date too.

    Probably it was....  and Windows with all latest security-updates (before blocking-status for Windows Update), browsers was updated too.


    With that background... my words can be close to "actual". Without that background - current words not really actual, because in that situation.. system and background have a lot of "backdoors" and "potential places for exploits", which F-Secure... of course.. also can to prevent, but it's hard to prevent all of them (just by pro-active technologies) and practically... usually it's need to "meet" exploit for analysis.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I see BitDefender is top of the tree again. Shame it has such poor support.

    Would be nice to see F-Secure a bit closer to the top, though. Smiley Sad
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