F-secure failed
Do you have logs by results of "work" with protection-software after uninstalling F-Secure?
Just interesting to understand.... which items was in system and not detected by F-Secure and etc.
Logs about scan-process/remove-actions about trojan, spyware,viruses and other malware.
Also, just questions:
- Did you Full Scan by F-Secure before uninstalling?
- Which browser you usually to use?!
- Did you try to re-check some settings about "scan-processes" (or it was totally default always)?
- Do you often download various/other software from not official webpages of that programs?
Sorry for questions. Also just interesting.
About other... probably here should be F-Secure Team's answer.
Perhaps a Moderator could delete this duplicate post, so that the issue can be dealt with in one thread?
http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/getting-annoyed-now-i-have-had-F/m-p/51509#M9319 -
Windows update-channel / option / feature / registry key (from true-to-false) can be blocked not just by Trojans or malware.
It's can be like results of work any "tune up"-tools too.
Any unwanted programs like toolbars (which can be installed with "wanted"-dreams). And other variants.
Practically... if trojan-software blocked Windows Update... it's mean it's popular trojan and it's should be known for F-Secure and it's should be blocked by F-Secure.
Or detected by Full Scan (if smart/fast scan not detected);
If it's unknown trojan-software... and some kind of new... it's practically... not reasonable for malware authors.. blocking Windows Update. Because it's so "visible" for user.
Modern malware want be hidden and invisible.
Here... just a big different.
Shoud you trust to protection-software or not can be with various meanings:
- I can to trust for F-Secure company, but can not to trust for companies from your first reply (where you explain about your steps after uninstalling). It's not matter - which protection-level have that companies (it's not better, than F-Secure) - but I can not to trust for that companies.
It was first meaning.
- I can to understand that F-Secure give high-level for protection.
That level can not be much better with other protection-software. Different can be in specific-features, default-settings or "user-style". For example, NOD32 can to protect against a lot of "safe" potential unwanted applications (which F-Secure allow for user, because F-Secure think.. that user are right with steps about "safe" applications; NOD32 think.. that OK.. not matter if application are "safe" - we will be detected that, because probably user wrong understand "what he do").
For totally protection against malware and trojans - not enough just protection-software.
You (any user) should be so careful with modern-web. And it's sadly.
Because that.... nice, when protection-software can to do that "sadly picture" - more interesting.
When user can to trust for protection-software-company..... it's nice.
When it's also good protection-level - it's already can be "worry-free";
But worry free with "careful" steps and actions in web (without special tries to download malware and launch it) or just be careful with strange situations..
Anyway... detection-name "Trojan" can be not always trojan-file. And also can be a lot of other detections - which not related with trojan, malware or other. But detection-name looks like that "something scary" - because current practice with detection-name in companies... some kind of "scary" .
It's not nice too.
With other protection-software.. you also can to meet troubles with system.
It's not totally related with F-Secure.... of course... if it's not possible to check.. which files / viruses / trojans / spyware... was detected by other companies. Maybe all of them was false-positive.
Or all of them... can be detected by F-Secure with Full Scan for system or by Real-time Scanning during access or related things.
Did you fully remove Virgin Media Security, using the uninstallation tool, before installing F-Secure? Also, did you have any other anti virus software on your machine when you had F-Secure installed? I'm not saying FS is 100% bullet proof, as no single anti virus product is, but I would guess that something must have been wrong for you to have had several 'Trojans' getting into the machine. It doesn't usually happen.
OK, probably here can be other steps, which probably you did not do..... or if you do that (so.. it's another situation):
Spoiler- By default - Full Scan for system should be without "advanced option for advanced scan" - but maybe it's default (?!).
Anyway.... Full Scan can be with three options (it's can to change in Settings) for optimisation scan-process (Manual-scanning).
Here can be "scan just known files", "scan zipped files" and "advanced scan setting" (which create much better detection-status);
If you use just "last two" options... and Full Scan was without detect...
So, probably here....:
- unknown malicious files for F-Secure (it's not really likely in that situation... but can be);
- something close to rookits - but...... it's some kind of strange too; If other software detected that so fast and without troubles, but F-Secure not.
- your system meet some Adware (where usually something like toolbars or other... but it's also can be virus/malware, of course too) which blocked Windows Update.
F-Secure not detected that........ because application was "safe" (but unwanted and potentially riskware - but without maliicous actions).
Anyway F-Secure should blocked "malicious" adware, potential unwanted software and etc. Current your "example" about protection-software... not always better with detection around "same" files. But it's can be.
F-Secure can not to detect troubles around Windows Update (probably) and just because - it was says "All OK".
Your examples (one of them, certainly can) detected that situation like result of "viruses or trojans" - but it's not always like that.
So... here just sad.. that you don't have logs about detection-names by other protection-software.
And things.. about "what was detected/removed" and etc.
F-Secure can in some situations not prevent something malicious, but other companies too. And other companies in some situations - do that more often, than F-Secure.
Here most "reasonable" variant (for me) - that you maybe downloaded some software from any soft-portal (not by official page) and it was with "malicious" or "safe, but unwanted" payloads. Here usually.. you able to "uncheck" payload during installation-process.
Just like little addition for my last reply (but... I ignore that point... in previous replies too):
- I ignored "background" - that system and browsers should be up-to-date too.
Probably it was.... and Windows with all latest security-updates (before blocking-status for Windows Update), browsers was updated too.
With that background... my words can be close to "actual". Without that background - current words not really actual, because in that situation.. system and background have a lot of "backdoors" and "potential places for exploits", which F-Secure... of course.. also can to prevent, but it's hard to prevent all of them (just by pro-active technologies) and practically... usually it's need to "meet" exploit for analysis.
I would be very surprised if F-Secure let through lots of trojans and viruses unless you are looking at zero-day malware. Spyware/Adware/PUPS I would understand.
Give F-secure another try and try regular on-demand scans with Malwarebytes and you should stay malware-free.
Latest real-world test over at av-comparatives indicate that F-Secure will give you good protection; http://www.av-comparatives.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/avc_factsheet2014_04.pdf
But ANY antivirus cannot give you 100% protection so you should also carry out regular back-ups/images; Macrium Reflect highly recommended; http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx