How about an icon on the right click

OK I want to right click a file or folder and scan for virus. Yet F-Secure does not identify itself (see Malwarebytes for example)

Also hovering over the icon in the taksbar should tell you the status of update (show the date of last update) - Again as Malwarebytes does. Two easy ideas


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    @chicobill wrote:

    OK I want to right click a file or folder and scan for virus. Yet F-Secure does not identify itself (see Malwarebytes for example)


    mine offers "scan folder for viruses" or "scan file for viruses"


    chicobill wrote:Also hovering over the icon in the taksbar should tell you the status of update (show the date of last update) - Again as Malwarebytes does. Two easy ideas


    F-Secure has several engines and channels that have different age. There is no common value to decide if you have the latestest update. In any case you would need to verify that with some other idependent source like



  • Nmousedk
    Nmousedk Posts: 37 Observer


    Im 100% agree with "chicobill"

    An ico on the rigth-click woud identify the F-Secure-scan !!!


    And the F-Secure logo in the task(process-tast), beside the watch, holding the mouse over the logo, the last recieved update´s date, shoud apear... this is a great and extremely easy way to see if it up to date !!


    The last date-time-stamp on the latest engine update, coud be nice !

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