Old Forum

J-C Posts: 2 Observer



Is there any chance that the old forum will be open for searching again? I looks like, when I e.g use google for finding solutions, it often points to articles in the old forum.


When I click on the link it only redirects me to the new community.





  • Hi JC,

    When we decided to launch this new Community, we still wanted to keep the old Forum in the read-only mode for several months – to make sure that people could also access the information there. However, since the old Forum has not been updated for six months now, unfortunately the content is getting heavily out-of-date. Also having two discussion forums available at the same time has confused many of our users. So, after evaluating pro’s and con’s we saw that the momentum to close and redirect the old Forum had come.

    However, we are at your service here in the Community. So, if you can’t find help from e.g. via google or Community search, please don’t hesitate to ask us!




  • J-C
    J-C Posts: 2 Observer

    Ok, will do. Thanks for your answer.




  • pusaqall
    pusaqall Posts: 34 Observer

    Did you search it in Google? If you do, that is normal. Sooner or later, it will be removed from  the search list and will be updated to point you to the new community.

  • johan65
    johan65 Posts: 2 Observer

    Hi Dear!



    But I know lot of good information in the old community wish is very much relevant, for example; how to use and distribute MSI-packet exported from Policy Manager and How to manage policy manager Proxy.


    I think it would be very good to have the old community opened in read-mode only and perhaps someone at F-Secure or every one of us can help each other to remove all non-relevant information.



    With best regards:

    Johan O Olsson/ATEA Sweden AB


  • Johan,

    after we launched the F-Secure Community, we had the old forum in read-only for several months. Now it's not available anymore, but I'm sure that if you create new PM-related threads here, you'll be answered quickly and in detail by our community members.

  • amk
    amk Posts: 16 Observer

    well there must be some way to move contents from olf forum to the new one but that, of cource will require extra effort and cost as well.

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