XP - FSecure overwrites XP folder permission - sets to read only

Scanned knowledge base etc.
Running XP and F Secure 2014 (Virgin customer)
Have gone into security and excluded the folder I do not want F-secure to scan.
In Windows Explorer, under properties, change foder from 'Read only', apply changes to all sub folders, get out,
return and 'mysteriously' folder is re-set to Read Only.
All I want to do is set one particular known safe application, to accees files and folders in a one parent folderand to run this application as a restricted (non admin)user.
It is being done as Admin.
There is no other process that is accessing that folder.
The scenario is :
WinExplore, Properties, un-shade Read only, Apply, it then goes through all the files, exit Explorer, excute Explorer, check attributes and Read only is applied again. - All in the space of a minute!
It might be related to this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326549