Uninstalling F-Secure Mac AntiVirus no such directory found?

I am trying to uninstall the regular Anti-Vir us so I can be part of the ISTP Macintosh program and I followed the directions as exctely below amd I tried hand ty
ing it and then out desperation I tried copy and pasting tje terminal commands and still I kept getting the same commans no such directory exists? Can anyone please enlighten me as to what I did wrong? Thanks so very much in advance .
Here is the terminal logs sorry about the mess from them. .
Last login: Fri Apr 25 04:04:23 on ttys000
Richs-Mac-mini:~ Walston$
Richs-Mac-mini:~ Walston$ cd ; cd Desktop ; chmod +x uninstall_MacProtection ; sudo sh ./uninstall_MacProtection
chmod: uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
Sorry, try again.
sh: ./uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
Richs-Mac-miniesktop Walston$ cd ; cd ; chmod +x uninstall_MacProtection ; sudo
chmod: uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
usage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -V
usage: sudo -v [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name|#uid]
usage: sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-U user name] [-u
user name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [command]
usage: sudo [-AbEHknPS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user
name|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [VAR=value] [-i|-s] [<command>]
usage: sudo -e [-AknS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u user
name|#uid] file ...
Richs-Mac-mini:~ Walston$ cd ; cd deaktop chmod +x uninstall_MacProtection ; sudo sh ./uninstall_Macprotection
-bash: cd: deaktop: No such file or directory
sh: ./uninstall_Macprotection: No such file or directory
Richs-Mac-mini:~ Walston$
Richs-Mac-mini:~ Walston$ cd ; cd Desktop ; chmod +x uninstall_MacProtection ; sudo sh ./uninstall_MacProtection
chmod: uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
sh: ./uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
Richs-Mac-miniesktop Walston$ cd ; cd Desktop ; chmod +x uninstall_MacProtection ; sudo sh ./uninstall_MacProtection
chmod: uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
sh: ./uninstall_MacProtection: No such file or directory
Richs-Mac-miniesktop Walston$
Thanks so much again and even the slightest clue or suggestion woud help. I really appreciate it.
Could you try the command at the end of this article:
"In case the uninstallation script does not work, you can uninstall the program manually by opening a Terminal.app and issuing the following command: 'sudo /usr/local/f-secure/bin/uninstall_MacProtection’."
Please post the result if the problem persist.