Extreemly slow scan

Scan times on my system are extreeemly slow. After 30 min about 200 files ...

My logs are here:




  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    Right now, scan stuck at gameaux.dll in windows\syswow64 folder for more than hour (974 obcject scanned so far).

    It seems on my system that this is slowest scan time engine that I ever tested...


    my system is 100 % sure clean (scaned with hitman/various other tools to make sure)

  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    Oki another issue..


    Every few minutes (about 10) for 1-2  second I have message from "Action Center" that my AV is disabled and then dissapear.

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser



    what settings did you change in manual scan?

    turn off Archive scanning

    what size is your MEM/CPU?

    does the problem reoccur after a reboot?

    Any other security software installed?

    Windows Defender?

    little space on HDD?






  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer



    I have 5 gb RAM, AMD 64 3800x2

    no other av installed, windows defender is disabled, and plenty of space on my hdd

    and yes it's also occuring after reboot

    I tried to make full scan with archive scanning

  • yaslaw
    yaslaw Posts: 28 Observer

    Without archive scanning it's seems that is working faser (not fast but definitly better).

    I have internet connection all the time.

    with archive scanning enabled on my system fis just hang up on some file and was not able to move further even after couple of hours...



  • chicobill
    chicobill Posts: 4 Observer

    Mine is very quick even on a dozen folders full of downloaded information at a time

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    @yaslaw: I'd recommend to open asupport case on that. Please add the diagnostics and mention this thread. When you have the SR-ID, please post it here for the team.


    BTW: how many files in what time do you get without archives?


    Remark: the first scan is always slower that the second due to scanning. Give it a second try!



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