Do we or will we have Freedome at home soon in the United States New York Area?

Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

Hey Guys,



I love VPNs and you always have to pay for the bandwith performance hit but who cares  because it is very,very small price to pay for personal sercurity and being able to connect to my wireless network and not having to worry about some skiippy who watching Hak5 on the Discovery Channerl here or Hak 5  on teh .com website  where people show you in vivid detail how to use Maltego or any otther publicly avaiable software to cayse all sorts of trouble but that is just the begining/ Then they teach you how to do monley in the middle attacks and they all laugh it off .


It is such an advantage to know your enemy and what they are capable byt yes you are SaFE BY F-Secure but let us just say someone was sutpd enough in the pst  to leaave a Mac Mini on 24/7 coonected to a pure FIOS fiber optic connection and then one day this person comes homeand everything is destroyed F-secure Mac Anti-Virus is warning it is not functioning. Some one took a chainsaw to my older Mac Mini which was my Baby Smiley Sad.


This is why we need everything and I was much more ignorant back then and I called you guys at F-Secure and you guys straight as possible told me they are coming in from the connection ir proxy server or something. This is why I am begging for Freedome now because I do ntot want another 5 year disaster Tango. I thank God for you Guys and Mikko now though.


Thanks so very much for listening for such a long message and Freedome for my internet freedom guys :),


Richard Walston


  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    I asked when we could expect computer versions of Freedome and this was the answer:


    "Desktop (Windows & OS X) versions of Freedome are at prototype / proof of concept state. We hope to release them into limited beta during Q2/2014 and to general availability (at least in the consumer channel) during Q3/2014. Please note that this is a very tentative schedule, not a commitment."



  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Thank you very much for the update. I can only hope the product rolls out sooner than later :)/


    Thank You,


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