Windows 7 Action Centre Reports F-Secure is Turned Off

I have F-Secure Internet Security 2014 installed on a Windows 7 64bit laptop and all has been fine, but recently Windows has started warning me that F-Secure is turned off, but when I check F-Secure it says it is active and up-to-date?


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Does the warning go away after a short while, and is F-Secure displayed as active in Windows Action Centre? I've had that at times when F-Secure is updating, but it usually disappears within a few seconds to a minute.

    It might also be worth checking that all your F-Secure updates are installed, by right clicking the FS icon > Common Settings (I think!), and also check that no Windows Updates are pending.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Also if with installation all OK, does it's happened always after start (and without missing) ?! or just during using laptop in some moments?


    It's can be related with any CPU-overload/memory or other;


    Maybe if you use something like Google Chrome - can be like one of reason - if it's possible... that take CPU/Memory a lot, more... than need. Maybe some other processes take same situation and "using processor" with overload.


    F-Secure will be says "something wrong" if it's stay some time. But if Windows not hidden alert about hours (or more than ten minutes) - probably F-Secure must alerted too.

  • Hi,


    Thanks for your reply.


    No when the warning appears it then remains for the duration.


    And yes, F-Secure says it is fully up-to-date.



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    can u trace it happenning after a Windows 7 update ? after some registry cleanr tool action ?

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    Verify the icons in Computer Security:



    Possible icons and descriptions are:



    Also verify that the date & time is correct. If your computer's date & time is incorrect the F-Secure product might not recognise new updates.

  • Thank you for your replies, I think Simon cracked it!


    The Computer Security icons always were the green tick so I thought that F-Secure was active and up-to-date. But I did also have malwarebytes installed, and since uninstalling malwarebytes I have not had any warnings from Windows Action Centre.


    With hindsight, it might just have been that malwarebytes was reporting that it was out-of-date!?


    Anyway, thanks again.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Funnily enough, Malwarebytes is one of the few other anti-malware products that is compatible with F-Secure!  I think the wording in my original post may have been slightly unclear - when I said "such as Malwarebytes", I meant that it is compatible, not that it isn't. Sorry for any confusion.   red-face.gif


    It's quite possible that it was MWB flagging as out of date, especially if you have the latest version, as I seem to be having problems getting mine to auto update, and frequently have to check for updates manually.  Smiley Sad

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    I have no problem at all with MBAM (version 2.01) updates.


    Set automatic updates to every hour, and nofitication if out-of-date for more than X days. It's all configurable :)


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Yes, I have it set to 1 hour, but sometimes I'm not on the PC for that long, so wanted it to update on reboot, but that never seems to work.
  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    I've noticed that too. There is an option to set "on reboot" instead of every hour, but that's not how I want it.


    I haven't tried this myself yet but I assume you could add a second task for Check For Updates and set that one to on reboot. Now hopefully you get on reboot + every hour.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Some dreams about F-Secure, MBAM, compatiblity and situation.


    But.... does you mean that are normal for Windows 7 (AC) - creating alerts about "antivirus-program doesn't work" during active F-Secure IS installation?


    For example, any my experience about MBAM was with "undetected as protection-software" by Windows (but I do not have experience about Windows 7 / MBAM); That more related with previously version of MBAM (and.... it was always just "not premium" version - because I not really feel helpful-points about premium features in that software; but "not premium" version in some means was also not really helpful already);


    But I also tried new version - MBAM 2 - with trial-time about Premium version. Without any differents about Windows actions with "undetected" that installation as "protection-software";


    And it's mean - in my situations... if it will be installation with any other protection-software (F-Secure IS, for example) - that software must be "main" and Windows must be alerted about any troubles with that software ...... just because will ingore MBAM in somewhat reasons.

    But... indeed.... I not really have experience about "outdate" bases in MBAM... and not sure.. that have experience about any alerts about it... which was not by MBAM.


    Here.. about MBAM 2 - it's already some kind of another software... and for my opinion.... take more resources, than need.

    Also laod memory/processor over-than-need. Also anyway... MBAM can be a reason for any troubles in another protection-software.


    How I remember - MBAM have list about "compatiblity" with another protection-software.... but indeed... I think.. it's more related with fact:

     - MBAM not crashed and "work normally" during installation on system, where installed "compatable" software;

    But if MBAM team... also checked and worry... about "what if our program... will to crash another program; and if yes - need to fix that" - good.


    But... I not sure.. that know (but I not search it) same information about MBAM (I mean - "compatibility-list about compatable protection-software" by F-Secure, for example);


    Anyway - it's must be without "troubles"..... because "design" of MBAM.  But also not mean... that can not be a trouble for "main"-protection software;


    And I really hard to understand... how can be situation during active-good-installation of F-Secure IS and alert by Windows about "something wrong"..... and especially... if that alert will be by Windows (without any "conflicted"-points or overloads with system).

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