Full scan in only 10 min?

Dear all,
I triggered F-Secure to do a full scan of my system. Ca. 800GB has been done in 10 min. As other scan engines need much longer time, I can hardly believe that this job has been done extensive.
So what basics are covered by F-Secure, what are not?
For sure F-Secure is taking care for the system(?), but if the system fails I will fix it.
My concern is my data which I need to transfer CLEAN to the fixed system. So I need a scan machine which checks the data – documents, foto, music, video, … Can I trust on this after a scan with F-Secure?
Thanks & Regards
It's can be like that - but probably it's not related with current situation.
- Are you sure.... that it was "full scan" - not "smart scan"/"fast scan" - like "Scan for viruses and spyware" (or "Scan now" by UI)? Full scan - must be with "Full scan for system";
- If certainly was "full scan" - you can try to check situation with settings about "scan"-processes (where can be settings about "scan just known types and etc.");
- F-Secure have good antivirus-engine - and probably that related with one of best protection level.
If you have normally situation with installation (if F-Secure not crashed) and you really did full scan - probably it's must to give good result for "sure" that "All OK";
- what version of F-Secure you have?
It's can be outdate (?) - and by that setting - can be troubles; Here I mean outdate "version of program" - not about databases (but that maybe need to check too);
- if you not sure... that F-Secure give a normally result - but practically it's must be all nice.
Probably... I can just recommend to use/check situation with your system by ESET Nod32 - and for example... with checking by their Online Scanner (it's avalaible like online scanner/tool for scanning system with any settings);
All other variants - probably can not to give more "level up", than it's already have. But probably it's just... for situations, where you have any reasons for "something wrong with system"; In another points - F-Secure must be give nice and good result.
All other tools/programs/companies... can not to give any "greatest level up" in one-time scanning (or for daily use) - but if you use or often install any programs - you can try to check situation with scanner by Malwarebytes, which detected a lot of "not harmful/clean" things about PuPs/Adware or just "potential risk by empty keys in registry" - which possibly not always create a bad for system.
And if we talk about "full scan in only ten minutes" - it's can be with some of programs (where have special technologies) - but it's all must be related with "next scan after first" - and it's can take less than ten minutes too.
This KB article may be worth a read, although I'm not sure if it applies in this case:
http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/Did-the-product-really-scan-my/ta-p/15410 -
First change the default settings of the Scanner;
Try changing them to the following;
- Uncheck - Search only known file types
- Check - Search compressed files
- Check - Use advanced heuristics
The search will then take a LOT longer but will be more thorough.
But no AV will pick up ALL malware/infections, so if you want to double-check that your data is clean you should back up F-Secure with on-demand scans by another scanner such as;
1. Malwarebytes Antimalware; https://www.malwarebytes.org/free/
2 Eset Online Scanner; http://www.eset.com/int/home/products/online-scanner/
3. Kaspersky's Security Scan; http://www.kaspersky.com/security-scan-1
4. herdProtect; http://www.herdprotect.com/
Take your pick.
Thanks to all for answering/supporting! As it seems, I have now a multiple issue. As I have opened also this threat http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/Win-new-External-scan-worm-F/td-p/48839 and I guess the headline of this does adress this questions better, I will continue there (even if more answers related are here. Hope that is okay.)
But for this specific thread and to your proposal:
- F-Secure Internet Security 2014
- update via starting F-Secure / F-Secure / check on available updates
- scan via F-Secure / Computer Security / erweiterter scan / full scan of computer
- did do this time with parameter setting
- Uncheck - Search only known file types
- Check - Search compressed files
- Check - Use advanced heuristics
and now it took longer and my problem get multiple.
This I will describe under link above.