Mainosohjelmat / Luckyleap etc

Heips, olisiko joku keino päätä lopullisesti eroon tällaisista silmille hyppävistä varoituksista ja mahdollisesti ohjelmistakin kuin,luckyleap ja xmtl??exe? Ne ovat joitakin mainostajien tiedonkeruuohejmia, joista Fsecure varoittaa ikäänkuin ne olisivat tarpeettomia/turvariskejä, mutta Fsecure ei toistaalta anna mitään mahdollisuutta niiden pysyvään ohitukseen. Yritin kerrän poistaa tuota ensinmainittua, mutta pian se oli uudelleen vaivana. Käytössä WIN7.
Hello, is there any possibility to remove premanently luckyleap an xtml???.exe. Those are obviously ad spies and Fsecure warn every time they start, but Fsecure doesnt give any possibility to to prevent them permanently, I tried to remove luckyleap, but it was soon back. Why Fsecure gives those warnigns if it doesnt give any possibility to prevent them premanently. Bored clicking... Win7.
Like most AV programs, F-Secure not too hot with adware/spyware/PUPS.
A number of ways you can remove it are listed here;
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware highly recommended as a backup to F-Secure and you can still obtain a lifetime license for the PRO version, which gives real-time protection.
Many thanks Blackcat. Obvously adware is seen somehow useful by commercial virus scanners
Otherwise they could include a function for deleting them. But anyway, most adwares are also malware and use resources that they have not paid. You would never allow anyone put ads on the walls of your home.