"Trojan Genesis 11101689" - vid installation av program från CD

Får meddellandet "Trojan Genesis 11101689" när jag vill installera ett program från CD. Vad betyder det?

Samma sak vi olika datorer med F-Secure.


  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    If you get an F-Secure message, it means that a trojan was found and blocked. To determine if F-Secure perhaps detects it wrongly(called a false positive) you can upload the file/program from the CD to https://www.virustotal.com/

    It's a multi-engine scanner that uses 50 different antivirus products. If other engines detect something to, then F-Secure was right in blocking it. If not, you can submit it to F-Secure Labs for analysis: https://analysis.f-secure.com/portal/login.html


    A list of threat types: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/threat-types


    PS. This forum is in English.

    (om du inte kan engelska så är det bara att återkomma så hjälper jag till)

  • Hi Torgny,


    As NikK as suggested, if you suspect the file is falsely identified as False positive, please send the samples in a single password-protected ZIP file. Use the password "infected", with difference password it will take a longer process time for our lab engineers to decrypt the code. Send the ZIP file using our web form at


    (Please register when you submit the samples on our website and you will get the ticket ID from our lab, for example of ticket id T123456. On the Submit Sample page, If you need to contact our lab engineers, include your question or incident details in the "Message" field. Else, please leave it empty)



  • Torgny
    Torgny Posts: 3


    I have tested, and no detection on the proram, but on the autoexec.run (10 of 51).

    Can I upload the testresult somewhere?


  • Hi Torgny,


    You can create a ticket with our Malware Analysts as given above. In the message field, please add in these information and the test results so that they can analyse the files and get back to you. You can add in all the files and send it to them for analysis.



  • Torgny
    Torgny Posts: 3

    The correction you did, did solv the problem.

    How can I "mark it as an Accepted Solution"?

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