Freedome in Android TV Box

Vinatero Posts: 4 Observer

I have tried to test Freedome in my K-R42 Android TV box. Problem has been that it stops after few seconds. Now new version is downloaded, but test period is over. Is it possible somehow to start new test period?



- Risto


  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Freedome is intended to work with mobile devices only so that is probably the reason why it stops. Unfortunately, test period is only for 7 days. Once the trial has expired, you have the options to purchase a monthly or yearly subscription.

  • Vinatero
    Vinatero Posts: 4 Observer

     I paid for first month, but new version does not work.


    I'd like now to know detail hardware and software requirements for Freedome to understand better, why it works in that device but not in this.

  • Hailan
    Hailan Posts: 50 Active Engager

    Hi Vinatero,


    F-Secure Freedome supports Android 4.0.3 and later, however this is in regards of full versions of Android as for the hardware it is any hardware that is supported under the current version of Android.

    What is more than likely the problem here is that  your TV box has a modified version of Android 4.2 and some of the components that Freedome requires are not part of your installation, namely the android vpn.

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