Internet Security 2014 Automatic Updates But Old Database Versions

Looking at the database versions I have, they say that the virus definitions are 12 days old and the others are old too. Update checking tells me that everything is up to date.
I have run fsaua-reset.exe and fsdbupdate9.exe - definitions are still old. I have tried to re-install IS2014, but told that my licence key has been used the maximum number of times.
Plase advise.
Many thanks, Steve
Hi, Maincat!
Sorry to hear that you have experienced issues with F-secure.
If you have done the fsaua-reset:
and the fsdbupdate9:
Then a reinstall of the program would be the best solution.
If it says that the license key already been used maximum number of times then you should get an option to "move license" the licens, then it should continue the installation and reuse the licens to that new computer.
If you dont get that option please get in touch with us in chat support:
Spoke to F-Secure Support and took following steps:
Had F-Secure support reset my licence key
Uninstalled F-Secure IS2014
Installed F-Secure 2014
Put in licence key
F-Secure installed without issue. Updates were fetched in and now all is well.
Thank you to F-Secure support for the solution.