Why does F-Secure delete my Chrome Extensions and add others?

I am not 100% positive, but since the last update F-Secure appears to be deleting all the extensions I use on Chrome (ABP, Stylish, Ghostery, Hide Highlighted Posts) and installing something called Radialpoint SPD and some photography related extension.
How can I stop this? It's a pain in the backside to set it all back to how it should be. everytime I log on, and what the hell is it trying to install and why?
I experienced the same thing about one week ago without F-Secure (had webroot): each time it syncs google reset settings to default, adblock disappeared, the skin disappeared, the start page was set to default etc.
IMO F-Secure is not the culprit.
I had to drop Chrome, returned to Firefox which works like a charm even when syncing.
Radialpoint SPD is related to Virgin... read here http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Other-Queries/Radialpoint-SPD-Chrome-extension/td-p/1860682
Hope this helps
A quick search indicates it's a common problem with Chrome to lose all extensions. Reason could be a corrupt Chrome profile, or you created a new profile, or that you previously was logged in to a Google account and now have been logged out.
What's more concerning is that these new extensions were installed! If I were you I'd scan with these:
If the above didn't find anything you could give this a try:
I'm not loving Google Chrome and do not using that browser often... and especially extensions, but read some time ago about next points:
- that from last month (or close to that) new rules for extensions in Google Chrome;
Maybe some part of missing extensions can be in that way; Just if they have specific method of installation;
Also about point with "malicious":
Do you updated browser by hand some days / weeks ago (it's mean before that behavior )? Or it was automatically?! Or you just mean update for F-Secure?
About "why F-Secure not alert about malware" - it's can be just new or fresh - which possible to be in system - just if user create randomly mistake (close to target-attack);
Also it's can be something like zeroaccess - which not always easy to detect/clean and etc.
If all good and without any malicious actions in system...
It's possible to really trouble with sync between profiles.... and possible Virginmedia's tricks.
F-Secure updated automatically, not Chrome. I had not changed Chrome for months, but suddenly after an F-scure update it started this extension deletion thing.
I'm going to use the malware checkers suggested above and havea closer look at the extension is sometimes seem to be trying to add without my permission. I have had an ultra annoying pseudo exrtension on one of my work computers that bypassed ABP and bunged ads all over the place, but this is a bit more subtle.