More than one install for trial version.

Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer
edited March 2022 in Feature Requests

Why should users be limited in this way? There are now a number of threads on the Forum where this limitation has lost F-Secure potential new customers. 


I have used MANY security programs over 18 years and F-Secure is the only one that limited/limits a trial version to one install.

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  • Thanks for your idea! We are currently investigating this further, and we'll get back to you!
  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    Bump on this one.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser
    Hello, But what do you mean (anyway)? Because probably already long time (?!) how able to install more than one-time trial-version? Or you mean installer have expired after some time of?! But here maybe able to get new installer by trial-form again. If just with installation on system by one valid installer - if it not work with casual steps, clean by F-Secure Uninstallation tool (or manual) - can to fix that. And about other companies - I not sure... but probably all of them - have more strange and worst situation with trial-version. Some points same with F-Secure (like if with casual-steps it can be "stuck" - if you want re-use it after valid-time).... but also some of them: - have less time; - have advertisements-support; - have strange steps for get trial-version; - etc. :)
  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    Unless F-Secure has changed things in the last 3 months, you are only allowed 1 install of the trial version. If you uninstall for some reason (incompatibility with another program) you cannot install again. The uninstallation tool does not help and I have tried to remove ALL registry entries.


    As mentioned in my first post above,  F-Secure is one of the very FEW security programs which restricts the number of times a trial version can be installed.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser
    So, OK. But probably my experience with another situation. Here I mean - that latest experience (and before probably too - but not check it more, of course) was with next setting: - Able to get trial-version from F-Secure website by e-mail (here time to time troubles, but probably here also able to use one e-mail address, for example - after some of time). It will be trial-installer; - Able to install it. - If something goes wrong... and here stuck or other... By F-Secure Uninstallation Tool situation fixed - and I able to install new trial with that current installer. - IF time of trial-installer end.. probably logical... that it not able to install again. But.. maybe able to get new installer after some time. And I have that experience. About other F-Secure probably - one of some companies, which have close to nice... process for using trial-version. :) But, of course, I not checking... about maximum. But situation when.. after some days during trial-time - you uninstall F-Secure trial... I able to use one else time certainly (by F-Secure Uninstallation Tool before... if here will be stuck). If trial-time end - able to get new trial-version-installer (or will be with response about "e-mail" in use.... if here have limits). But able to get it anyway. But current experience about "close to recently". And not about "last week or last two weeks" - but your words also not about "totally recently' days. Maybe you can to try check it again. Or maybe I have other settings... because without any troubles with trial-version... and re-installation (here - I mean ... that have troubles with stuck - but it fixed by commonly steps).
  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager

    At the moment, Anti-Virus and Internet Security have a restriction of retrying the product for 300 days.

    SAFE and TOTAL can be trialed without time restriction, however if we see that this is abused, we might change this.


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