After trial, the link to bye the licens, coud be to a reseller-portal,coud redirect to shop

Have this isue on FSIS, FAV and PSB, - now i talking about PSB - I have now several times, not get some costomers, because they ignores or does not doing anything, until the time periods of 7-30 days is out, and them , just hit the bye at store button, and not at my store :-( I have all the work, to get them to try the program, and meybe help them install too...
I think that a single ID on the installer_program, within a reseller ID, to redirect to an partner site/ID_number and if the partner nummer is not there/not_valid, then the default in F-Secure´s stor. thats ok - But if it is valid, then the resellers login, and then the refers to the partners shop, and the partner get his costomer.
- i.e the program-name coud be fsie-id345654.exe or the ID-Key, coud be in the installations-program ?
I hope you understand what i mean, i know that the ordinary costumer is lazy, and dont reply my mails, before the trial is out. And that i want to do something about.
I think it woud be a nice, and easy way to do ??