window say i have no ant- virus install

It sounds like F-Secure isn't installed properly, and yes, there are lots of threads related to this on the forum.
If you're coming from Virgin Media, you need to read this thread on how to remove VMS. It will contain the link to the Virgin Media Removal Tool which you should run before installing F-Secure.
You should also make make sure that you have fully removed all other 'active', ie 'real time' anti-virus products from your machine, other than those which are certified compatible, such as Malwarebytes.. This list of Uninstallation Tools may help.
Further, check Windows Updates, and install any pending updates, as these have been known to stall an F-Secure installation.
If none of the above work, then try using the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool to fully remove the damaged installation, and start again.
Hope that helps!