Internet Security shows 100's of subscriptions, and keeps saying 'you are not protected'.

Hi guys,
I'm not sure how detailed I should be here, but I will try to be concise. I am a VERY long time customer of F-secure. I have purchased online for a very long time, each year. About a week ago, I got down to only a few days left on my subscription. I saw a forum post online that offered 'extra' subscription to 2014 (suposedly a multiple subscription was purchased, but one was left over unused). I used that key. It worked, at first. 2014 downloaded and updated. The next day, however, it said 'You are not protected'. The key didnt work anymore. I tried to update, but figured ' Oh well, it WAS too good to be true'. So, I purchased a 3 computer 1 year plan as usual. Entered the key, and all was well.... until the next day, FS said 'You are not protected'. I looked in subscriptions, and there was a list of hundreds of devices (I have some screen shots). I read a bunch here, and decided to uninstall and reinstall. That worked for a day, then the same 'you are not protected'. I think I have been scammed out of my subscription now. I suppose I got what I deserved trying to use another users extra key, instead of buying my own.. but now I've bought my own, and still can't use it. I have my online reciept from 3 days ago. Is there any way for me to dig out of this hole?
Thanks ahead of time for any consideration.
My suggestion would be to try using the F-Secure Uninstall Tool:
That should remove all remnants of the previous installation, including license keys, and then hopefully you can start again with a clean install, using your official subscription key. -
I did that yesterday. After reading some threads here, I saw the link to the FS uninstall tool and used it. I put in my key that I bought, but all those multiple subscriptions show up again. It's like I am grouped with a bunch of other users, and since I put my key in (that I purchased) before the uninstall, it got added to the group and is now used up. I'm not sure that is what is happening, but it seems that way.
In which case, unless anyone else has any other ideas, I can only suggest that you raise a support ticket with F-Secure, and hopefully they can reset your license and remove the other ones.
In the meantime, you could try installing the trial version, which would give you protection, but unfortunately the licensing issue may still prevent this. -
Don't know if this would help, but there is an Advanced F-Secure product removal guide.
A warning that it is for advanced users ONLY! It should be used as a last resort when everything else has failed, according to this post
Second warning that it mentions Internet Security 2012 as latest version.
Can a product expert inform if this would work on 2014?
Thanks NikK. I will keep that in mind if what we are currently doing leads to a dead end.
After working with a very nice engineer with online support, we have made a little progress. The multiple subscriptions are still listed, and my software still announces the 'you are not protected' with my first log on of the day.. but so far I have the option to use another 'available' subscription in the list. I get a prompt to activate, and do, and FS shows all is well and protected. Each time I do this, my key is different after. I know I have been scammed, but we haven't figured out exactly how yet.
Working night shift, so it will be Tuesday or so before I get any real time to hook up with online support again. I will update this thread when there are new developments.
Today, I reconnected with online support. I got the same Tech Eng, which is a good thing. It appears that he did the manual removal like NikK suggested, with a few more things that aren't covered in the removal post. Then a fresh install and a key provided by the Tech. Still showing multiple subs and listing 100's of devices. Definitely seems to be a grouping of keys on my system, and I'm sure my 'new' key is now associated with them. Pretty good scam.
The Tech is pushing it up the ladder, I should hear from him in the next day on how we proceed from here. Keeping my fingers crossed. I still love FSecure, and have for a very long time. This is my fault, and I sure am glad they are working with me to fix it.
Interesting, keep us posted!
Not sure I fully understand:
Is the problem that you got a fake key or that you downloaded a fake product?
Information for future renewals: When you renew a subscription there's no need to download anything. You just add the new subscription key to the existing installation and you're done!
When something strange like this happens it's usually a good idea to scan with other products: (this product scans for malware types that anti-virus products usually don't)
These two together is a great scan and can detect more than any anti-virus alone.
Not sure I fully understand:
Is the problem that you got a fake key or that you downloaded a fake product?
Actually, neither.... sort of. It seems as though the key I used, which was offered in a non-Fsecure forum as an 'extra' subscription, was grouped somehow with many keys. It worked for a few days and had a year by expiration date. After the first day or so, Fsecure reported that I was no longer protected, but that there were valid subscriptions available for use, and gave me the option to perform verification (push the button). I did, but I thought it odd, so I looked at my subscriptions and there were over 150 on this one key. I decided that it must have been too good to be true, so I went to Fsecure, like I have always done, and bought a new key. I put it in, and all was well.. until the next day, when FS again reported all my subscriptions were in use and I was no longer protected. Apparently, by putting in my NEW key without uninstalling FS, I had now grouped my new key with the wad of other keys being spoofed. I could go through the uninstall from another computer thingy every time I wanted to get a valid key back, but the next day it will be back to the same situation. That is when I contacted online support, and we are still trying to sort it. When it ever does get resolved, I will post again.I have learned a valuable lesson. You cannot get 'something' for 'nothing', and never trust that something someone is giving you for free is necessarily them trying to be nice. I have purchased each successive years subscription directly from Fsecure for many, many years now. I should have done that this year, but I thought it would be cool to save a few bucks. I really screwed up.
Thank you, btw, for the suggestion of malware removers. I have used malwarebytes for years, as well as a few others. Too many people do not know the advantage of using these free, yet very powerful, products along side a fine security product, such as F-Secure.