Purpose of Banking Protection?

- Banking Protection will block undetected malware from "phoning home" during banking sessions
- DeepGuard can detect internet connection attempts from unknown applications also after banking sessions has ended
So I'm thinking, is Banking Protection mainly for blocking known applications from making connections?
For malware running as its own unknown executable my understanding is that the protection by DeepGuard would be enough. Unless the malware uses a known application to "phone home" from.
> DeepGuard can detect internet connection attempts from unknown applications also after banking sessions has ended
There is no proof DeepGuard detects 100% of malware. In fact no software can ever detect 100.00% of all malware, because that is theoretically impossible (== halting problem).
Therefore multiple, inter-lapping protection technologies, including network connection limiters are desired for the best antivirus result! (Some competing all-encompassing workstation protection suites go as far as including screen-based virtual keyboards and password datasafes, etc. for an even more secure and confusing e-banking experience...)
Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.
Personally, I would rather use my own browser and keyboard with F-Secure's additional protection, than use some of these other methods, such as secure virtual keyboards and 'safe' browsers, where you have no real idea as to where the information is going via, or being stored.
When I asked on a competitors forum how their 'safe' banking feature worked, I was basically told 'it just does, take our word for it', which wasn't really all that assuring. -
@etomcat wrote:There is no proof DeepGuard detects 100% of malware. In fact no software can ever detect 100.00% of all malware, because that is theoretically impossible (== halting problem).
Yes, but my point was only about connections: "DeepGuard can detect internet connection attempts from unknown applications"
So if DeepGuard fails to detect a harmful executable, it still should be able to detect 100% of network connection attempts from unknown applications.
Detecting 100% malware = impossible
Detecting 100% of network connection attempts from unknown applications = possible
> "DeepGuard can detect internet connection attempts from unknown applications"
Can is weaker than "does", because there are several potential pitfalls. What if the computer had its NIC driver replaced with a malicious one, that has a valid, but stolen digital certificate acttached to it? That would leave the NDIS-attached Deepguard in the dark.
Therefore multiple protection technologies are desirable for fail-safe security The top malware are currently ahead of even the most advanced defences, so it is not wise to underestimate the hackers (e-criminals, cyber-warriors).
The Banking protection feature comes with some side effects (printing over network, etc.), so F-Secure Corp. wouldn't had it implemented without more ample benefits to outweight the drawbacks.
Best regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.
Hello NikK,
In order to try to answer your general question, we have the following article(which you might have already checked, but I reference it here for others):
As for your last statements, they don't cover the all truth. As Tamas mentioned multi-layer protection is the best way to go with nowadays security challenges: no single layer protection can be 100% secure. So each layer has "wider scope" to some extent than the other but they work together to protect our users the best.
Thank you