Cleanup Tool remarks



Usually "cleanup tool" refers to a tool that cleans the system (registry, disk space, defragmentation). Therefore I think it would be good an indication as "malware cleanup tool" or simply "online scanner".

On the other hand, should be indicated when using this tool. What differs from a regular scan?
What brings extra?


  • Hello sapiens,


    I am not sure if you post in the most adequate board(Beta and Technology preview).

    Can you please give us the reference of the tool you where targeting with your post (for exemple the URL where the tool can be found)? 


    Thank you for your clarifications.

  • sapiens
    sapiens Posts: 14 New Member

    I hope it's good here.
    I installed the beta version (F-Secure 2.01 build 123) from hereprogram .

    A print screen of the instrument.


  • Hello Sapiens,


    Thank you for the screenshot.  

    There should be a brief description of what is the Cleanup tool doing, on the Start/Cancel window of the tool.


    I'll see if I can provide here more details on what is the tool doing extra.



  • sapiens
    sapiens Posts: 14 New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    Indeed, there is a brief description of the instrument. And a warning about the need for a backup. Probably because the virus removal is automatic.

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