Mods / Admin - where have the stickies gone?

Some of the sticky topics appear to have been un-stickied! Could we at least please have the FS Uninstallation Tool sticky back, as that is an invaluable link, and not easy to find elsewhere.
Hi Simon!
Yes, we did clean the stickies a bit, temporarily, so that the F-Secure Safe/Virgin Media sticky would be more visible. The Uninstallation Tool can also be found from the sticky about "Removing other Antivirus programs," and the issue hasn't been asked for much recently in the last weeks, so it seemed like a good solution for the time being.
// Chrissy
Hi Chrissy,
Sorry, but I have to disagree about requests for the FS Uninstallation Tool. It may not have been asked for, as such, but it has been recommended for use on several occasions where users have had trouble installing F-Secure, and have been advised to start again from scratch.
Unless I'm missing it, I can't see a direct link to the FS tool in the ""Removing other Antivirus programs" thread, and that, as per the title, is for removers of other anti virus.
I do feel that as the support forum for F-Secure, we need a direct and easily accessible reference to the FS Uninstall Tool, so if not in a sticky post, can it please be included in the links at the bottom of the forum, perhaps under the Support heading?
Does anyone else agree?
I agree...... with both of you!
Well, I can't see a direct link either, only an indirect link. But since a user is not likely to use the UninstallationTool without any of us first suggesting it, I believe it's more up to us contributors to keep track of it
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Your welcome Simon!
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