F-Secure IS version in F-SAFE portal.

Stefan recently posted that F-Secure SAFE contains the latest version of Internet Security-2014 release 2; http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/F-Secure-SAFE-compatible-with/td-p/40185
However, a recent post over on the Virgin Media site disputed this; http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Internet-security/F-Secure-SAFE-and-windows-8-1/td-p/2128364
"Here is the quote that comes up when you register with F-secure SAFE before the download bit and it quotes " F-Secure Internet Security 2013 protects the content on your computer and safeguards you when you are browsing the web. Computer security is protection against viruses, spyware, hacker attacks and identity theft. Online safety is protection against harmful websites, getting fooled during any activities online or protecting your children against unwanted websites or uncontrolled online life. Easy to install and does not slow down your computer. Comes with online chat or phone support. F-Secure Internet Security 2013 will protect you."
There is no updating the product either when i installed it. It also comes up internet security 2013 and if you check on what F-secure is saying you can download the release 2 of the new 2014 internet security through the SAFE portal but when you go there is the 2013 version. "
So I investigated by going into the SAFE portal;
1. I can confirm that only F-Secure IS 2013 is listed in the portal;
However, on clicking the network installer it picks up the latest version to download.
It may be less confusing to Virgin Media users if the 2014 version is directly available in the SAFE portal.
But no idea why the above user could not upgrade correctly (unless he needs a complete uninstall/reinstall of F-Secure SAFE after a complete uninstall of Virgin Media's previous AV.