F-Secure Userbar

Posts: 240 Active Engager
i am using userbars for diffrent things (like put i in my signature in forums or put the image on my pages) and i don´t know why, but its hard to find a good F-Secure Userbar. I have only found old or ugly usebars.
(like this: http://userbarz.com/Games/Userbar/32499 )
I am not good in graficdesignstuff... so i am looking for help...
Can some creat a very cool F-Secure Usebar?
haha, funny...
Just do copy FS logo and write your name or whatever you want to write there.
By the way - wow
I just noticed, F-Secure logo is now on right side from text - always was on left (was: [logo] F-Secure (r). is: F-Secire(r) [Logo]).
and everywhere - every product! when did you changed???
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