f-secure and win 8.1

hi i use talktalk f secure security worked fine on my win 7 pc now have win 8.1 laptop downloaded fine and on talktalk icon saying protecting pc and i can scan pc ok only thing is in the action centre security saying windows firewall and bitdefender are protecting pc not talktalk f-secure if i disable these saying pc is not protected in win 7 action centre was saying being protected by talktalk f-secure any ideas ? is talktalk f-secure compatable with win 8.1 ? many thanks
F-Secure uses Windows Firewall as it's firewall, so that is correct, but it sounds like you still have traces of a past installation of Bitdefender on the machine, so I would suggest you run their uninstallation tool, which you can find here:
Sorry if current words will be "not nice", but can you check.. if you have any other protection-software installed?!
Or here can be enough something with firewall or web-traffic-scanning.
Also.... what certainly you mean during "load files" -> here have some description by F-Secure - what happened on current time?