Opal Security by F-Secure Unable to Install on 2nd Computer

Hi. Can you help please as I am unable to install security on another (second) computer as I get the following :
* Error message security key had already been used and would not work on The second computer)
I have been provided a Licence Key by Talk Talk and they say it is valid for up to 3 computer but I still get the error message
Please can you help
Many thanks
If I remember correctly even ISP versions of F-Secure should tell you how many licenses you have. It should look something like this:
I suggest you double-check with TalkTalk so that they have given you a correct 3 PC subscription key.
If you want to contact F-Secure support:
I have contacted my ISP numerous times now and they say I can defintely install on up to 3 machines with the licence key they have provided me with but I clearly cant as it wont let me. Thanks for your help and I will now contact F-Secure to see if they can throw some light on it
Many thanks
First I hope the Talk Talk Business/Opal solution is better than the Talk Talk Home ISP
Talk Talk's re-branded F-Secure IS is called Super Safe Boost for Home use and Opal Security for business use;
If you take a look over on the Talk Talk Forums there are lots of recent threads detailing problems with the licensing of F-Secure/Super Safe Boost;
Just take a look at the main page;
Looking through some of these posts it looks like you are lucky simply installing it successfully on one machine. But has your license key remained valid or has it now reverted to an expired state?
A typical post;
I am having exactly the same problems as Yandy - and apparently quite a few more customers. Having unsuccessfully trying to download and re-download Super Safe Boost - which seemed to work ok for a couple of hours, until I received a message that my subscription had expired and was invalid. In desperation I contacted TT this morning. I spoke to a guy who talked me through the procedure, which was virtually what I had been doing. I removed Super Safe Boost from my computer, and installed it again. I then received another installation key (about my 5th in a couple of days). This worked fine for about 6 hours, but I am once again advised that my subscription has expired, and my computer is not protected.
Talk Talk's only advice so far seems to be; Re-setting the license;
1. Log into 'My Account' click 'Profile and Settings', then select 'Homesafe; on the left hand side.
2. Under the homesafe section on the right, is the link for Super Safe Boost. In this section, you can Reset the License, view the Key and also download the most up to date version.
3. So re-set here, wait 10 minutes, then go back and download and re-install the software and see if this works.
However, if you look through some of the irate user's posts, the above suggestion has not worked for many users.
Overall, it looks like the problem is on Talk Talk's side and not F-Secure. I would contact TT support here; http://www.talktalk.co.uk/contactus/online-security#754
Opal/Business support; http://www.talktalkbusiness.co.uk/contact-us/
Together with Virgin Media, it looks like F-Secure is aiming for total domination of UK ISP's chosen security product. Keeps the wolf from the door I suppose!