FF8 & Brwosing Protection

MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser


There's a new browsing protection release candidate available

This release contains support for Firefox 8 (beta)

The visible version string is "F-Secure Browsing Protection SW Update 2011-10-18_01"

The update is distributed through the policy manager which has been configured as specified in the instruction page: http://www.f-secure.com/en_EMEA-Labs/beta-programs/business-users-beta/beta-update-channel/instructions.html

Manual installation packages for all current release candidates are available as follows:

on windows:
for 9-series in http://download.f-secure.com/latest/beta/fsdbupdate9.exe

The executables are self-installing on a system with the appropriate F-secure client. These manual installation packages also contain other engines we currently have in a release candidate state, which are due to production later.

For any feedback regarding the update or the beta program, please send them through corp-beta@f-secure.com

Thanks and Best Regards:
F-Secure Labs


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