Monthly subscription?

Dear F-secure


I am a new customer sent over my Virgin Security. I curently have a 12 month subscription due nearly a year from now. My problem is that I wont be able to afford a yearly subsciption (I assume will be about £80) so close to Chistmass.


Im on a very low fixed income but need a secure computer. (and NO I wont be able to save up that sort of monney)


Instead of paying for a whole year in adavance, would it be possible to pay (when the time comes) a MONTHLY subscription?


Thats how I paid Virgin Security when I was with them!


I dont mind paying slightly more over all to be able to pay monthly.


I can afford £10 a MONTH or less towards my internet security


Please make this option availible as it is the ONLY way Ill be able to stay one of your customers.

Thank you for your time.


Mod Edit: Moved to the correct board and changed subject.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Welcome to the forums!  Smiley Happy


    Can I suggest, if you can afford £10 per month now, start putting it away so that you can afford the subscription when the time comes?




    Perhaps a mod could move this to the correct board?

  • Hello Rat_Lombot,


    Thank you for your feedback. We will look into this. However, at this stage, we can not make any promises on monthly billing option.


    Best regards,

This discussion has been closed.