"F-Secure Dll-Hoster" and AJAX-calls in Chrome = Problems

I'm developing Web-Applications on a windows-7-computer. After updating to IS-2014 I got a strange behavior: Some Ajax-Calls in Chrome are not processed - Chrome network view just says "pending" for 3 Minutes and then time-outs.
After trying to figure the problem out for some days now using different computers and browsers (it works in Firefox without problems), even reinstalling Chrome I was able to isolate the problem so far that it only occurs with Chrome and with the service "F-Secure Dll Hoster" enabled. Means:
Starting Service "F-Secure Dll Hoster" => Ajax-Call fails
Stopping Service "F-Secure Dll Hoster" => The same(!) Ajax-Call works
Starting Service again "F-Secure Dll Hoster" => The same Ajax-Call fails again
So advice what do to?
Hello cango,
I suggest you open a support ticket about the issue.
Please include the FSDIAG diagnostics file, and in the problem description area could you perhaps include the Ajax call you're trying to execute?
I have tired Ajax call but it won't help me out...What are the other alternatives of it? So I can be resolve it concern with chrome? also find Google apps security for the better solutions..