If a cell phone is not hooked to internet, can listening software work on it?

My cell phone does not have an internet plan, but if you push the button, it will come on and they charge me.
Can listening spyware such as spybubble or flexispy still work on my phone? I am afraid someone has put one of these on my phone. Is there a way to find out through phone records, or data records if it has been put on my phone?
Those both are detected by our Mobile Security product as a spyware or riskware.
Easiest way to figure out, if it has been installed on your phone is to scan the phone with our Mobile Security.
Trial download available from here:
More detailed descriptions for the spyphone/monitoring applications in question can be found here:
http://www.f-secure.com/sw-desc/flexispy.shtml -
Usually all the e-mail systems in use have audit logs, which will show at least latest logins. Details and audit log access varies depending on system. For example in Gmail you can view the latest activities from https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity?hl=en