f secure icon has a red x on it

i went to the support page and it says to look at the trustee rapport, which i dont have. It also says that if you don't have that to send in a service request. Any ideas on what needs to be done. I cannot update virus files, malware wont launch, full scann wont launch, 3rd part malware wont launch - are these all causes of what f secure has not addressed with me yet ?
Doesnt expire until 2012.
When I hover over it - first time it said virus and malware - malfunction. After following some advice from Rapport and f secure customer service - it now says nothing.
I tried the online tools - and it comes up - unexpected error.
There is something that is stopping me from trying to discover the virus as it wont let any of the programs do a scan for it.
Advice ?
try running the manual updater fsdbupdate9.exe from
If you suspect a virus on the machine on option is to use rescue CD.
It boots a Linux and therefore can completly scan your drive.
Here is more information http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Protection/ANNOUNCEMENT-New-Rescue-CD-3-14-available/td-p/3327