What does the error "Function _FSLD_DelayLoadInitialize@0 in library fslapi.dll not found" mean?


  • 2eemeli
    2eemeli Posts: 95 Enthusiast



    when do you get the error?


    What are you doing to reproduce the error?

  • Frisjo
    Frisjo Posts: 47 Enthusiast

    Also what product of F-secure and version would be good.

  • Kirsi
    Kirsi Posts: 4

    Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce it; I was using youtube, my email and had an amazon page and google.books page open as well, then closed the mail and youtube and left for a couple of minutes. As I came back after getting a cup of tea there was this message. youtube is the only one of those mentioned i don't use regularly.

  • Kirsi
    Kirsi Posts: 4

    According to microsoft "fslapi.dll not found" would indicate that a "potentionally serious error has occured in your machine. You risk permanent damage to your system if it is left unrepaired" http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie8-windows_other/error-code-is-library-fslapidll-not-found-error-1/b5ec38cc-4120-4519-9d7a-1a367c6a5537 but I assume the problem might be with the Windows 7 that I'm using -? There was some problem with it a couple of days ago (blue screen error) but the problem didn't occur anew after I had diagnosed my computer's memory problems.

  • Kirsi
    Kirsi Posts: 4

    ... and I have F-Secure Internet security version 2011

  • 2eemeli
    2eemeli Posts: 95 Enthusiast



    from your answer I do guess the error was only once, right?


    As long as you don't get the error regularly I wouldn't worry. It could be that the dll encountered a problem and crashed.


    If you suspect the issue is caused from your F-Secure product you could stay tuned and wait for the IS 12 which should be available soon.


    You can download latest version from here once it is released. Don't worry your key will work with new version.


    You can find fslapi.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\common\fslapi.dll


    Use right mouse button to check the version you have in your system and post it here if the error keeps coming back.



  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 5



    I get the same error Function_FSLD_DelayLoadInitialize@0 in library fslapi.dll not found. Error:2


    I received this error a few times, since I have installed F-Secure (before that I was using another virusscanner).


    I installed F-Secure Internet Security 2011 on my Windows 7 pc in November 2011.


    The error appears every time when using Internet Explorer 9. Today it occured when I opened a new tab with Google.


    Do you know how to solve this?



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser



    please download and install the update for IS2012. Then report back.




  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 5



    Thanks for the reply. With the update to 2012 the following is mentioned; Do not upgrade to version 2012 if you have subscribed to a security service through your Internet operator. Wait for further instructions


    I received F-Secure via my internet operator (XS4ALL in the Netherlands), so I assume I should not upgrade in that case?


    Can you pls advise?



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    Hi, you wrote you have Internet Security 2011, then you should be able to upgrade

    if you are using one from XS4ALL, the product should be named differently...



  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 5

    I tried to install the update but when entering the subscription code the registration fails due to an incorrect code.


    If I look at the XS4ALL site, it mentions "F-Secure Internet Security for Windows".


    What should I do now?

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    What exactly does the GUI say?


    Still no idea? Then post the content of "right click on tray icon"/information.




  • keiooz
    keiooz Posts: 32 Observer

    I also got the same error. I am trying to find a solution via Googling, but can't seem to find at least one.

  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 5

    This is the info when I right click on the tray icon;


    F-Secure Internet Security for Windows 9.16 build 131


    F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.20 build 17320

    F-Secure Automatic Update Agent 8.25 build 4095

    F-Secure User Interface 9.10 build 8424

    F-Secure Management Agent 8.10 build 30095

    F-Secure E-mail filtering 1.02 build 7480

    F-Secure Network connections 6.24 build 124

    F-Secure Email Scanner 6.00 build 466

    F-Secure DeepGuard 2.21 build 114

    F-Secure Online Help 2.00 build 1470


    F-Secure Sidebar Gadget 1.00 build 192

    F-Secure Service News 1.00 build 140

    F-Secure Browsing Protection/SW 1.10 build 5656

    F-Secure Browsing Protection/ES 1.10 build 1039




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    Copyright (c) Reuben Thomas 2000-2010.

  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 5

    Can you please advise, based on my latest info? Thanks!

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    I'd like to give you some answer but I have none. We have to wait for The team to pick this up...


    Still the official way is to contact XS4ALL-Support as this seems to be an OEM- Version of . No idea why they called it the same




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