Browsing Protection questions

I have several questions on "Browsing Protection". Today is now available version 5 firefox. Browsing Protection is not compatible. As we know mozzilla accelerates the development of the publishing of new editions firefox. Here are my question:
How f-secure company intends to deal with this problem compatibility? Please do not write that the problem lies in the api additions. Because I can give an example of another company which did add compatible with firefox version 5.6 and 7.Most likely, the company has f secure protection in the plan to release Chrome as a browser that is gaining more and more new users.The publishing plan also chrome is fast.
Thank you for your reply and sorry for my English.
Totally agree.
Speed of developing such addons is radiculus. All browser started to rush their programmers. We will see firefox 7 this year, chrome 15 and so on as bardok206 said in his post.
C'mon I can't belive that making such addon is so hard (when we compare it to whole suite).
Please keep in mind, that f-secure on this area is above others (even so smal company in terms of employes like Avast have their addon works on chrome/firefox).
And now we have a Firefox 6 and Firefox 7 builds around, it will be problem.
The question is: how are developers going to answer to Firefox's new dev cycle?
Can we expect minor updates more often that address new FF versions?
Or maybe the addon compatibility could be extended with an estimate (2 major versions: 5 and 6), if something breaks, an update could be issued in this case.
Also Chrome is gaining marketshare every day, support for it would be great!
Best regards.
for FF6 and FF7 the goal is to have something ready within 2 weeks after RTM.
If it work earlier then I guess it will be available earlier, I hope with RC.
You can use an add-ons to disable the version check in FF, but that is your risk.
If only BP might fail to work, then you would be right, but what happens if the complete FF fails or if BP claims to work but does not?
If F-Secure would allow the current BP to work with FF* then guess who would be blamed? Most likely not Mozilla!
We have F-secure Client Security 9.31 and Windows7. Our F-secure have also next parts: Browsing Protection /SW 1.10 build 5788 and Browsing Protection /ES 1.10 build 1039.
Why a safety rating is not visible in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome? It's works only in Internet Explorer.
We have IE9 and lastest Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
F-Secure's Product Expert answered that The Browsing Protection Plugin is not supported on F-Secure Client Security v9.x. But we have Browsing Protection /SW 1.10 build 5788 and Browsing Protection /ES 1.10 build 1039?
Why they dont work?
Hello Alice,
F-Secure Client Security 10.00 will have this feature:
"New Browsing protection and Web traffic scanning is based on the Network interceptor framework to provide smooth protection for Internet browsing independent from the web browser."
FSCS 10 is now in public beta version and can be tested by you also. It may publish in final gold (RTM) edition on 31.12.2012. Hopefully this upgrade will solve your problem soon!
Sincerely: Tamas Feher from Hungary.