I am trying to load F-Secure

Hi Middy,
Welcome to the Forum.
Assuming sometime in the past that Norton was your AV, the message you are seeing is probably due to an old Norton uninstall which has left remnants of it on your machine.
So try and use the specific Norton uninstaller first;
For Windows OS;; https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20080710133834EN_EndUserProfile_en_us
Download the Norton Removal Tool. Save the file to the Windows desktop.
On the Windows desktop, double-click the Norton Removal Tool icon.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Restart your computer.
For Mac; https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20080427024142EN_EndUserProfile_en_us
You can then try a fresh install of F-Secure.
Let us know how you get on.