F-Secure Internet Security Technology Preview 98 Issues - SCANNING & REINSTALL

Today, I come to find out that my F-Secure Internet Security 2014 cannot do any scanning at all.
I cannot do a Virus Scan, Full Scan and Custom Scan.
Even try to do a scan via Explorer.
Nothing works!
So I uninstall.
And reinstall the TP98 file again.
Now, I got nothing!
No F-Secure!
So fustrating!!!
Commented on over in beta section; http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/F-Secure-TP-98-Issues-with/m-p/34573/highlight/false#M1160
best if you can you post about the beta/TR versions in the Beta section of the Forum, otherwise you are going to confuse new users. Thanks.
Mod Edit: The @ mention wasn't initiated for some reason. Make sure that when you do a mention, you select the name from the dropdown. Simply typing the username unfortunately is not enough